Hi all - I'm writing an article about about using ...
# ask-the-community
Hi all - I'm writing an article about about using Flyte to run a docker container based workflow, much like this: https://docs.flyte.org/projects/cookbook/en/latest/auto/core/containerization/raw_container.html However when I try to run on my local sandbox the tasks all stall out
[ContainersNotReady|PodInitializing]: containers with unready status: [... flyte-copilot-sidecar]|
Is this because it can't access the image inside the sandbox, or something more complicated? Is there a way to get this type of ContainerTask example to work on the sandbox? As is, my article ends like this - 'So you can push the dag (
pyflyte run --remote ..
), see it in Flyte ui, but it won't run locally, so go find a prod server if you want to fullly test, ok gl with that bye'
Hi @tim leonard I don't think the docs are updated yet, but there is a new feature in
flyte demo
that spins up a container registry at
. Pushing images will make them available to the demo cluster. These are the best instructions I could find: https://discuss.flyte.org/t/8490042/maybe-it-s-just-me-but-when-i-followed-https-docs-flyte-org- Hopefully that helps!
Ohh this is a good catch
We need to fix this - cc @David Espejo (he/him)
ooooooooooo this is amazing, I'm going to try this right now!
So I did
docker build . -t localhost:30000/dbt_project:001
docker push localhost:30000/dbt_project:001
But got
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The push refers to repository [localhost:30000/dbt_project]
Get "<http://localhost:30000/v2/>": dial tcp [::1]:30000: connect: connection refused
Looking at my sandbox in the docker pane (and
kubectl get pods -n flyte
on the instance), I don't see a
running (screenshot). Is there something I have to do on flytectl launch to get this internal docker launched and exposed?
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# flytectl version on docker image
>> bash-5.1# flytectl version
  "App": "flytectl",
  "Build": "b0d9893",
  "Version": "0.6.26",
# flytectl version on local
  "App": "flytectl",
  "Build": "217383e",
  "Version": "0.6.31",
Ok, so
flytectl sandbox start
does not include the Docker registry. However,
flytectl demo start
does include it. That's a bit of a trap, but glad to have solved it 🙂 Was able to back track off
and find these docs which got me unstuck. https://docs.flyte.org/projects/cookbook/en/latest/index.html
Oh yes this only works with the demo! Glad you figured it out so quickly 🙂.
Ok so switched over to flytectl demo Able to push and pull a docker image to the local registry However, now the tasks just hang
task submitted to K8s
kubectl logs
seems to just show the task being run over and over Here's an extract of the messages on the sandbox-flyte-binary pod.
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'Processing Workflow.',
 'Handling Workflow [f65bc5594c6f04347844], id: [project:',
 'Node has [Succeeded], traversing downstream.',
 'Handling downstream Nodes',
 'Handling node Status [Running]',
 'Parallelism criteria not met, Current [0], Max [25]',
 'Handling Node [n0]',
 'node executing, current phase [Running]',
 'Executing node',
 "Dynamic handler.Handle's called with phase 0.",
 'No plugin found for Handler-type [raw-container], defaulting to [container]',
 'Catalog CacheSerializeDisabled: for Task [flytesnacks/development/demo1.model.my_new_package.model_a/kpMsPqJj9ldUB9thyzt6Qg==]',
 'p+Version previously seen .. no event will be sent',
 'No state change for Task, previously observed same transition. Short circuiting.',
 'Task still running',
 'regular node detected, (no future file found)',
 'Node execution round complete',
 'node execution completed',
 'Completed node [n0]',
 'Handling Workflow [f65bc5594c6f04347844] Done',
 'Observed FlyteWorkflow Update (maybe finalizer)',
 'Updated workflow.',
 'Will not fast follow, Reason: Wf terminated? false, Version matched? true',
 'Completed processing workflow.',
 "Successfully synced 'flytesnacks-development/f65bc5594c6f04347844'",
 'Subqueue handler batch round',
 'Dynamically configured batch size [-1]',
 'Exiting SubQueue handler batch round',
 'Adding resource type for unspecified value in request: [id:<project:',
 'Subqueue handler batch round',
 'Dynamically configured batch size [-1]',
[...] 'Exiting SubQueue handler batch round',
 '==> Enqueueing workflow [flytesnacks-development/f65bc5594c6f04347844]',
 'Processing Workflow.',
 'Handling Workflow [f65bc5594c6f04347844], id: [project:',
 'Node has [Succeeded], traversing downstream.',
 'Handling downstream Nodes',
 'Handling node Status [Running]',
 'Parallelism criteria not met, Current [0], Max [25]',
 'Handling Node [n0]',
 'node executing, current phase [Running]',
 'Executing node',
 "Dynamic handler.Handle's called with phase 0.",
 'No plugin found for Handler-type [raw-container], defaulting to [container]',
 'Catalog CacheSerializeDisabled: for Task [flytesnacks/development/demo1.model.my_new_package.model_a/kpMsPqJj9ldUB9thyzt6Qg==]',
 'p+Version previously seen .. no event will be sent',
 'No state change for Task, previously observed same transition. Short circuiting.',
 'Task still running',
 'regular node detected, (no future file found)',
 'Node execution round complete',
 'node execution completed',
 'Completed node [n0]',
 'Handling Workflow [f65bc5594c6f04347844] Done',
 'Observed FlyteWorkflow Update (maybe finalizer)',
 'Updated workflow.',
 'Will not fast follow, Reason: Wf terminated? false, Version matched? true',
 'Completed processing workflow.',
 "Successfully synced 'flytesnacks-development/f65bc5594c6f04347844'"]
@tim leonard seems like you get an execution id. how does the execution looks in the UI?
Here's the overview of the execution in the UI, lmk if any other views are helpful! (note that I've done
docker image tag <http://ghcr.io/flyteorg/rawcontainers-shell:v2|ghcr.io/flyteorg/rawcontainers-shell:v2> localhost:30000/rawcontainers-shell:v2
& push, to get the example container on
in case your wondering about that on the task pane)
cc @Kevin Su / @Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario) (your code) - can you help here
Unfortunately, we do not ship copilot on the new sandbox (which essentially prevents raw containers from running). We took this route in order to minimize initialization time, but we should have an escape hatch in case users want to use copilot. Just to unblock you, an alternative is to use the old sandbox and make your containers publicly available (for example, by pushing them to your ghcr.io registry). Let me create a gh issue to track a way to enable copilot in the sandbox.
@Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario) what do you mean we do not ship. It should pull it down automatically
@tim leonard we have a fix out for this, https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/pull/3410
this should be merged soon and then raw container should start working - sorry for the trouble
Amazing! Thanks to you and Yee Hing Tong for getting this out! gratitude thank you gratitude thank you gratitude thank you Looking forward to giving it a spin after merge, and will update my article with changes as soon as it's ready.
This definitely works now, after update from
Amazing stuff to see this going locally, with rawContainers, thanks again all!
Hey @tim leonard how are you using the dbt plugin can you share
yes - here's the code that fails for me nice to see the sql example, I have removed my comment about this potentially being a plugin wide issue.
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from flytekitplugins.dbt.task import DBTRun
		from flytekitplugins.dbt.schema import DBTRunInput
		from flytekit.core.workflow import ImperativeWorkflow

		DBT_PROFILE = "bq-oauth"

		task1 = DBTRun(
		            project_dir = DBT_PROJECT_DIR,
		            profiles_dir = DBT_PROFILES_DIR,
		            profile = DBT_PROFILE,
		            select = 'model_a')
		task2 = DBTRun(
		            project_dir = DBT_PROJECT_DIR,
		            profiles_dir = DBT_PROFILES_DIR,
		            profile = DBT_PROFILE,
		            select = 'model_b')

		wb3 = ImperativeWorkflow(name='imperative_dbt_demo')

		task1_task_id = wb3.add_entity(task1)
		task2_task_id = wb3.add_entity(task2)

# Yields:
# `FlyteAssertion: Input was not specified for: input of type simple: STRUCT`
confirming your example does not throw the error, so this must be a dbt plugin issue
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from flytekit.core.workflow import ImperativeWorkflow
from flytekit.extras.sqlite3.task import SQLite3Config, SQLite3Task
from flytekit import kwtypes, task
from flytekit.types.schema import FlyteSchema
EXAMPLE_DB = "<https://www.sqlitetutorial.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/chinook.zip>"
import pandas 

def print_and_count_columns(df: pandas.DataFrame) -> int:
    return len(df[df.columns[0]])

sql_task = SQLite3Task(
    query_template="select TrackId, Name from tracks limit {{.inputs.limit}}",
    output_schema_type=FlyteSchema[kwtypes(TrackId=int, Name=str)],
    task_config=SQLite3Config(uri=EXAMPLE_DB, compressed=True),

sql_task2 = SQLite3Task(
    query_template="select TrackId, Name from tracks limit {{.inputs.limit}}",
    output_schema_type=FlyteSchema[kwtypes(TrackId=int, Name=str)],
    task_config=SQLite3Config(uri=EXAMPLE_DB, compressed=True),

imperative = ImperativeWorkflow(name="my.imperative.workflow.example")
node_t1 = imperative.add_entity(sql_task, limit=100)
node_t2 = imperative.add_entity(print_and_count_columns, df=node_t1.outputs["results"])
imperative.add_workflow_output("print_output", node_t2.outputs["o0"])

# Works! 👍
You need to change your task to not take any inputs and then send the input in add_entity
Remember Flyte is a dynamic input passed system
oh yes of course, that makes perfect sense. ok let me retry and correct my statements if so!
Ya it should work
Yup, your 100% correct, it's working now. Thanks for catching that! I'm going to update my statements and remove the bug i filed. TY!