I have a few questions: 1. Can I have a dynamic wo...
# ask-the-community
I have a few questions: 1. Can I have a dynamic workflow as a subworkflow of a static workflow? 2. The chain flyte entities documentation shows chaining of tasks with single or no returns, how to chain tasks/workflows with multiple returns? 3. Can the DAG of a static workflow be acquired through flytekit on creation of workflow? What method allows this? 4. Is the same (question 3) possible for a dynamic workflow?
1. Yes! 2. When a workflow has multiple returns (usually best specified a `NamedTuple`s) you can just connect the output of the task with the inputs of the next task 3. I am not sure whether I understand that correctly, would you like to inspect the DAG in Python? Or just use it within a different workflow 4. Depends a bit on your answer to 3.
For 3., I would like to visualize the full DAG. I believe something like this is already supported in flyte UI. I am curious how to access the DAG info in the code.
@Younes El Hjouji why do you want the dag info in code. Do you want it before the workflow is registered with Flyte or after?
After the workflow is registered, but before it is done running. If I can get it even before the workflow is registered, even better!
Ohh the dynamic workflow is never registered
It is only dynamically created and stored within the execution context
To access it you can use flyteremote to retrieve the execution information
Hm, so the answer for 4 is no. What about 3? Can I get the full DAG for Static Workflow after registration?
Yes for 3 - using flyteremote
For 4 is also a partial yes - fetch_execution
Does it return something like DAG-so-far?
Everything in Flyte is an api, thr ui uses this api to drive the graph etc
We do not call It a DAG, as it may have recursion - we call It a workflow
Interesting that is can have recursion, didn't consider that! Curious to test it out
@dynamic is essentially recursion