Hi guys, I am currently following tutorial <https:...
# ask-the-community
Hi guys, I am currently following tutorial https://docs.flyte.org/projects/cookbook/en/stable/auto/integrations/flytekit_plugins/onnx_examples/pytorch_onnx.html However, when I want to save image to my current directory by changing to code to
Copy code
final_img = Image.merge(
            img_cb.resize(img_out_y.size, Image.BICUBIC),
            img_cr.resize(img_out_y.size, Image.BICUBIC),

    img_path = (
Where can I find cat_superres_with_ort.jpg? Thanks!
@Jun Kwan, the code in docs saves the image to that file. If you want to save the image to your current directory, just write
img_path = "cat_superres_with_ort.jpg"
@Samhita Alla thanks for your reply, when I open my current directory, I don't see the jpg file, is it because it is stored within the docker container but not in my local disk?
How are you running the code?
Copy code
flytectl sandbox start --source .
flytectl sandbox exec -- docker build . --tag "my_flyte_project:v1"
pyflyte --pkgs example package --image "my_flyte_project:v1"
flytectl register files --project flytesnacks --domain development --archive flyte-package.tgz --version v1
pyflyte run --remote example.py wf --image "my_flyte_project:v1"
@Samhita Alla I was trying to deploy to my local server
everything is fine, just wanna know where does the docker store
Have you checked in the docker container?
Also since that file is being returned as a FlyteFile, you can download it directly. On the console, you should see a s3 uri that you can download.
Oh yea, i guess i am not too sure how do i download using s3 uri
Do you have a guide for that? @Samhita Alla
Go to http://localhost:30088 (creds: minio & miniostorage), follow the bucket path and download the file (there should be a download button available).
@Samhita Alla problem solved, thanks!
@Samhita Alla just wondering why is the file not saved to my local disk?
Since you’re running the code on docker container, it won’t be saved in your current directory. The file should be available in the docker container, though.
@Samhita Alla is there any way to make it save in the local disk? i always run pyflyte --remote options
I don’t think you can do that. May I know why you want to save the file in your local directory?
Just wanna open and check the file whenever I save a file in a container. Now the extra step is to go to localhost:30088 to check the output file, but i guess that's fine too. Thanks for your help! @Samhita Alla
Um gotcha. You can run the code locally without the --remote option in case you want to test it multiple times and view the file after every run.
@Samhita Alla yea that works perfectly fine, but I wouldnt be able to use the console if I run it without the --remote option