Hi everyone :wave: I saw the comparison between A...
# ask-the-community
Hi everyone 👋 I saw the comparison between Airflow and Kubeflow vs Flyte on the main page (great docs btw). Just wondering if there is a similar doc,page or blogpost comparing Flyte with Prefect.
no, we do not have one. But we do not think of Prefect as a direct competition as prefect is like a workflow orchestrator only, while flyte is a workflow + infrastructure orchestrator
Sorry, perhaps I didn't dive into the docs that much, what you mean by infrastructure orchestrator?
I.e Flyte will bring up containers and ephemeral clusters for things like spark, ray, dask etc. it’s deployed like a central service for all the users within a company. This makes it easier to manage
Also please do not be sorry - that term is not really accurate- but explains a bit more
Also Flyte will find you spot instances, gpus etc