Hello! :wave: I have asked about problems with au...
# ask-the-community
Hello! šŸ‘‹ I have asked about problems with authentication (Azure oidc) earlier. This week I tried creating an entire new deployment using flyte-binary instead. However, this gives me the same problems during the redirect callback. In short:
Error generating encrypted accesstoken cookie [SECURE_COOKIE_ERROR] Error creating secure cookie, caused by: securecookie: the value is too long
Error setting encrypted JWT cookie [SECURE_COOKIE_ERROR] Error creating secure cookie, caused by: securecookie: the value is too long
Any advice on how I can continue is much appreciated.
If it helps, there are additional logs leading up to this problem. For example:
Could not detect existing cookie [flyte_idt]. Error: http: named cookie not present
Could not retrieve bearer token from metadata rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = Request unauthenticated with Bearer
Failed to parse Access Token from context. Will attempt to find IDToken. Error: [JWT_VERIFICATION_FAILED] Could not retrieve bearer token from metadata, caused by: rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = Request unauthenticated with Bearer
@Yee, any idea how Igladh should be going about to resolve this issue?
@lgladh, I recommend you to go through this thread as well: https://discuss.flyte.org/t/20995/Thank-you-U038FT3LCRE.
Hi, @Samhita Alla As mentioned in the thread, I took a look to see if there were any additional claims on the azure side, but the list was empty so I guess not? Or are there other ways to check if there are additional claims? I can configure the existing one, but it's hard for me to just create a new app, that is something I have to request.
so a lot of those log lines are just warnings, itā€™s okay.
the proper flow is for users to request protected resources on admin, admin checks that thereā€™s no token present in any of the headers/cookies and returns a 401
but that first error is weird, where are you seeing that? is that a browser error?
no thatā€™s a cookie manager error
were you able to authenticate through azure? If so, could you share how you did it? @lgladh
when I click in login, I got this error and redirect link
now all service is done, so I donā€™t know what happen
now all service is done, so I donā€™t know what happen
@JoĆ£o Lobo Guerra Neto I don't have auth working yet and I am also not familiar to the error you have. Looks as though your auth is not set up correctly or not enabled. Check out https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/configuration/auth_setup.html. If you have more trouble, you should probably start another thread as it seems unrelated to this one.
@Yee, Yes so cookie_manager.go/handlers.go is failing to generate the access token cookie, and I see that part is missing in the cookie.
I am not sure if there is anything I can do that affect that part?
could you file an issue?
i will look at it on monday - kinda busy today