Happy Monday! First time seeing this error and it'...
# ask-the-community
Happy Monday! First time seeing this error and it's not super descriptive. Any debugging hints from anyone who has seen this before? This is returning during
pyflyte package
flytectl register
Copy code
Successfully serialized 3 flyte objects
  Packaging app_module.workflow.extract_emails -> 0_app_module.workflow.xx_1.pb
  Packaging <http://app_module.workflow.cx|app_module.workflow.cx> -> 1_app_module.workflow.a_2.pb
  Packaging <http://app_module.workflow.cx|app_module.workflow.cx> -> 2_app_module.workflow.a_3.pb
Successfully packaged 3 flyte objects into /root/flyte-package.tgz
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
drwx------ root/root         0 2022-12-19 14:39 /
-rw-r--r-- root/root      6109 2022-12-19 14:39 0_app_module.workflow.xx_1.pb
-rw-r--r-- root/root       217 2022-12-19 14:39 1_app_module.workflow.a_2.pb
-rw-r--r-- root/root       194 2022-12-19 14:39 2_app_module.workflow.a_3.pb
Error: input package have some invalid files. try to run pyflyte package again [flyte-package.tgz]
{"json":{},"level":"error","msg":"input package have some invalid files. try to run pyflyte package again [flyte-package.tgz]","ts":"2022-12-19T14:39:46Z"}
You can try pyflyte register
can you redact and paste here your package and register commands?
let me craft a new one for you to try while we look into this.