Hey, everyone. Still struggling a bit trying to de...
# flyte-deployment
Hey, everyone. Still struggling a bit trying to deploy Flyte in our cluster. While trying to execute
helm install
in an isolated namespace, I got these two errors:
Copy code
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: failed to create resource: <http://customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io|customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io> is forbidden: User "..." cannot create resource "customresourcedefinitions" in API group "<http://apiextensions.k8s.io|apiextensions.k8s.io>" at the cluster scope: requires one of ["container.customResourceDefinitions.create"] permission(s).
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: failed to create resource: <http://clusterroles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io|clusterroles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io> is forbidden: User "..." cannot create resource "clusterroles" in API group "<http://rbac.authorization.k8s.io|rbac.authorization.k8s.io>" at the cluster scope: requires one of ["container.clusterRoles.create"] permission(s).
Ok, permission errors. The first one I was able to resolve by disabling the custom resource definition, but I'm still curious about what exactly I just disabled. I noticed that there's a resource called "FlyteWorkflow", so I thought that workflows were actually Kubernetes resources. But when I deploy an example project on the sandbox environment, there's no FlyteWorkflow resource anywhere. So why does this resource exists? Can I disable it without performance issues in our server? The other error was easier to understand, but it worries me more. I'm trying to deploy the server on a "flyte" namespace and set every project to the same "flyte-projects" namespace. Is there a way to deploy the system without creating these ClusterRoles?