getting the following, and get figure out where i'...
# flytekit
getting the following, and get figure out where i'm going wrong here
Copy code
Error: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to compile workflow for [resource_type:WORKFLOW project:"sp-one-model" domain:"development" name:"onemodel.models.royalties.royalties_main._flyte.royalties_main_onemodel" version:"dylanw-v20221121.1" ] with err failed to compile workflow with err Collected Errors: 2
        Error 0: Code: MismatchingTypes, Node Id: construct-rate-cards, Description: Variable [o0] (type [structured_dataset_type:<format:"parquet" > ]) doesn't match expected type [structured_dataset_type:<> ].
        Error 1: Code: ParameterNotBound, Node Id: construct-rate-cards, Description: Parameter not bound [royalty_rates_df].
code is roughly
Copy code
def t1() -> pandas.Dataframe

def t2(a: pyspark.sql.Dataframe) -> None

def wf() -> None:
    return t2(a=t1())
looks like this error was a red herring, not exactly sure what's happening under the hood, but i had a custom spark <> bq encoders and did not include
in the registry
Hmm thank you for the pointer
Will tal
sorry what was the issue here?
you needed the default for type to be true? or false?