Hello, is there any method of Rate Limiting the nu...
# ask-the-community
Hello, is there any method of Rate Limiting the number of resources that can get created on a k8s cluster (or just the number of tasks/nodes that start up in general)? We’re hitting an issue with crio on our clusters that is causing some of the nodes to fall over, but the nodes stay up in k8s so the resources don’t get returned to the cluster
@Robert Everson yes Flyte does use resourceQuotas so you can adjust them per project
Also at Lyft this is controlled through a config file AFAIR
there is also a way to restrict using resource manager and max parallelism
What do you mean by resource manager and max parallelism? We have resourceQuotas, but I think the issue we have is that we have a bunch of very small jobs that all start up at once and overload crio on the nodes
are they across namespaces?
No, mostly in the same namespace from what I’ve seen at least today
A quick mitigation can be to increase the requested mem/cpu etc
this seems to be a crio problem
100%, just wasn’t sure if we could mitigate this in Flyte
hmm we can mitigate by doing 2 things as i said 1. increase resource requests 2. reduce quota (which may not be a good idea)
@Eli Schachar
@Paul Lee
@Ketan (kumare3) do you know if there’s a way to increase the default resource request of a job? I found a way to do this for spark jobs, just wondering if there’s a way to do this for k8s jobs as well?
hey @Ketan (kumare3) is my assumption right that if projects define something lower than the defaults we assign they will use the project resource requests rather than the default?
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In the absence of an override, the global default values in the FlyteAdmin config are used.

The override values from the database are assigned at execution, rather than registration time.

To update individual project-domain attributes, first define a tra.yaml file with your overrides: