Hey, everyone. We're dealing with a weird bug here...
# ask-the-community
Hey, everyone. We're dealing with a weird bug here and we have no idea how to fix it. Basically, we have a task that's not finishing. We run a workflow with 8 tasks, and at the very last one it hangs. All of its code is being executed (a lot of `print`s from the very start all the way to the the
statement confirm that), but it hangs at the end and never actually finishes. We were able to reproduce it in our remote server and locally. On the remote server, none of the prints (or logs) are being shown on Stackdriver. What could be happening?
We're using
, so I believe we're using the latest version if compatible release is to be trusted
prints logged when using
pyflyte run
. This
7 None
happens right before the return statement (
is the value of that statement)
so IIUC, you are returning from your code and you are saying that the return completes, but hangs after this?
cc @Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario) / @Yee Could this be upload of the literal?
Yeah, I'm not sure the return completes since I can't execute anything after it 😅 but the code right after it does.
and you said you can reproduce this locally?
Weirdly enough, this task is the only one that returns
, and that does not send its return value to another variable in the workflow spec. The workflow also returns
is there anything unusual about the task? Can you share its overall structure?
yeah, this screenshot I sent is from
pyflyte run
sounds like a bug? can you change it to
return 5
and make the signature an int?
what’s the return type now?
This is the overall structure of the task:
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@extended_task(integrations=['gcloud'], requests=Resources(mem='4Gi'))
def update_bq_table(
    amnt_dataframe: pd.DataFrame,
    gcs_config_path: str
) -> None:
    config_dict = read_file(gcs_config_path)
    update_gbq_table(    # Function that calls pandas_gbq.to_gbq()
is a special decorator we use that does some pre and post-processing on tasks. Other tasks with it are running fine; the
7 None
on my screenshot above is being called on the wrapper, after a
output = task_func(*args, **kwargs)
and before a
return output
can you try changing it to int?
just to see if it that fixes it?
The workflow looks like this:
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def main_workflow(
        hotel_amnt_sql_path: str,
        config_path: str,
        config_pre_process_path: str,
        model_config_path: str
) -> None:
    preview_amnt = ...

    # Some other tasks, all with <output> = <function call>

        amnt_dataframe = hotel_topics,
        gcs_config_path = config_path
yeah I'll try it
Hey! I work with @Matheus Moreno. We changed it to int, but it didn't work 😕
@Matheus Moreno @Sérgio de Melo Barreto Junior hop on call?
yeah, send us the link
can you try something for me?
in the body of the task that’s hanging
can you delete everything that’s in that function and just replace it with
Copy code
and keep all the
yeah I'll try it
it is hanging in this
ah nice
can you remove the
and see if it still hangs?
still hanging
how big is this dataframe? Does it hang if you try with only a few rows ?
so describe is failing. yeah how big is this
237857 rows x 2 columns
that’s not that big…
are you able to run describe outside of flyte
just like in jupyter or in ipython or something, create the dataframe manually and try describe on it.
one of our columns is the "topics" and it has list for each row of the dataframe. Is it possible to be the problem?
the whole dataframe is 5.7 MBs?
i don’t think any structure that’s that small should be a problem for pandas
in any case
can you maybe continue to investigate on the side? and in the meantime, add this to the top of your file
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from flytekit.deck.renderer import TopFrameRenderer
from typing_extensions import Annotated
and then make the task like
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def mytask() -> Annotated[pd.DataFrame, TopFrameRenderer(10)]: ...
that should make it so that the renderer used just grabs the first 10 rows
will make it skip the describe call
but this is something we should continue to investigate. do you think you can send us a parquet file with the smallest set of data that can repro this?
@Yee Do you have any update? I am still fighting against this hanging problem 😕
let me play around with this tonight.
but did the workaround not work?
just to confirm, I can see the python process get stuck when running this:
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❯ ipython
Python 3.8.13 (default, Mar 28 2022, 11:38:47)
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IPython 8.5.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: pd.read_parquet("/home/eduardo/Downloads/amnt_dataframe.parquet.gzip")
                      generic_sku                                           topics
0       HT-0008-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0                  [ST5, ST6, ST2, ST13, ST4, ST3]
1       HT-000M-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0             [ST5, ST6, ST2, ST7, ST13, ST4, ST3]
2       HT-000W-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0            [ST5, ST6, ST12, ST10, ST7, ST4, ST1]
3       HT-000X-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0                       [ST5, ST6, ST13, ST4, ST1]
4       HT-000Z-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0                 [ST5, ST10, ST13, ST4, ST1, ST3]
...                           ...                                              ...
237852  HT-ZZY9-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0                                       [ST1, ST4]
237853  HT-ZZYC-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0  [ST5, ST6, ST2, ST12, ST7, ST13, ST4, ST1, ST3]
237854  HT-ZZYZ-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0                      [ST5, ST10, ST13, ST4, ST1]
237855  HT-ZZZ2-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0                  [ST5, ST12, ST7, ST4, ST1, ST3]
237856  HT-ZZZJ-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0                             [ST4, ST5, ST6, ST2]

[237857 rows x 2 columns]

In [3]: df = pd.read_parquet("/home/eduardo/Downloads/amnt_dataframe.parquet.gzip")

In [4]: df.describe()
Yeah, me too. It takes a few seconds for my PC to describe 1k lines, that's why it's taking hours to describe the entire dataset.
The solution that @Yee proposed of annotating the DataFrame limits how many lines will be used by
Ya, describing whole dataframe as html does not seem like a good idea
@Matheus Moreno, no, what Yee proposed (using the
) does not run
, instead it turns a fixed number of rows directly into html: https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/blob/3cf063955907957de65b035066fe415503a9bd65/flytekit/deck/renderer.py#L17-L27
We're on flytekit 1.2.0 & are noticing similar behavior; we have a a 60k row DF w/ ~1.5k columns that we read from our data warehouse & return as a
in a task. We were previously able to run this in ~2 mins on flytekit 1.1.x, but since upgrading this stage is stalling for over 2-3 hrs. It also takes ~90 seconds to read this dataframe in a jupyter notebook We're noticing an interesting memory usage pattern here as well w/ memory inching upwards as the task executes. The CPU (currently 1) is maxed out towards the start of execution Any thoughts on what might have caused this? We're also about to try rolling back flytekit to see if that resolves things
@Rahul Mehta, interesting. In this particular case we narrowed this down to a pandas behavior (more specifically, the call to
takes a long time to run). Can you say more about what you're seeing (in a separate thread)?