i’m trying to pull images from a private container...
# ask-the-community
i’m trying to pull images from a private container image registry by following these instructions and running into a hiccup. we’re using ghcr.io. i have the token for a service account. i can pull images locally (on my laptop) from the private registry. i’m confused about what comes next. a some questions: • the docs say “Use a custom pod template to create a pod. This template is automatically added to every
that Flyte creates.” does that custom pod template get created in the
deployment? what should be included in that template? im assuming it should specify an image that has a docker config with the auth data. but that image would have to be public? so i think im missing something there. • the docs then say “Update FlytePropeller about the pod created in the previous step.” does that mean to update the
configmap value
to whatever the
value was in the pod template defined in the previous step?
i think you only need one of those. if you use the service account i don’t think you need to use the default pod template.
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