We want to use `flytectl compile` to ensure our wo...
# contribute
We want to use
flytectl compile
to ensure our workflows are valid in CI. With that we discovered that it behaves differently than registration with admin. We fixed one issue ourselves https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/pull/5437 but struggle with another one, see this comment. Is anyone familiar with flytepropeller’s workflow compiler and could give us some hints?
We managed to fix
flytectl compile
for launchplans within a workflow: https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/pull/5463 The fix is slightly hacky and we were wondering if there are existing functions we could rely on to compile workflows and launchplans in the correct order (we only found
). Would appreciate if somebody with more experience of the wf compilation code could give us a code review 🙏