<@U06HBGN1SA0> I encountered the following error: ...
# ask-ai
@Glime I encountered the following error: details: Requested CPU default [2] is greater than current limit set in the platform configuration [800m]. Please contact Flyte Admins to change these limits or consult the configuration. How to configure limit set in the platform configuration?
To configure the limit set in the platform configuration for CPU resources in Flyte, you need to adjust the task resource limits in the Flyte configuration. This involves modifying the configuration for task resources, which can be done through the FlyteAdmin service or by using
to update the cluster resource attributes. Here are the steps you can follow to update the CPU limits: 1. ​*Using FlyteAdmin Service*​: If you have direct access to modify the FlyteAdmin service's configuration, you can update the
configuration to set the new CPU limits. This configuration is typically found in the FlyteAdmin's config file (
or similar). 2. ​*Using `flytectl`*​:
is a command-line interface for Flyte. You can use it to update the cluster resource attributes, including the CPU limits for tasks. Here's how you can update the CPU limit: • First, ensure you have
installed and configured to communicate with your Flyte cluster. • Use the following command to update the CPU limit:
Copy code
flytectl update cluster-resource-attributes --project <your-project> --domain <your-domain> --attributesFile <path-to-your-attributes-file.yaml>
• Your attributes file (
) should contain the new limits you want to set. For example:
Copy code
project: <your-project>
        domain: <your-domain>
              cpu: "2"  # This is where you set the new CPU limit
Please note that changing these configurations might require administrative privileges on your Flyte cluster. If you do not have the necessary permissions, you should contact your Flyte administrators to make these changes. Remember to replace
, and the CPU limit value (
) with the actual values relevant to your use case. For more detailed information on configuring task resources and using
, you can refer to the official Flyte documentation: • Task Resource Configuration: https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/cluster_config/task_resource_config.html
Documentation: https://docs.flyte.org/projects/flytectl/en/stable/ --- This is an AI-generated response, take its recommendations with caution. Please help us improve the model accuracy by giving this response a thumbs up/thumbs down reaction. Answered By Glime 👍 button 👎 button
@WCHsu were you able to fix this? do you still need help?