<@U06HBGN1SA0> is there an easy way to configure a...
# ask-ai
@Glime is there an easy way to configure a sandbox deployment to with with a private docker registry where I have pre-built images stored? I've tried adding a secret for the registry auth after doing a
docker login
by executing
kubectl create secret generic docker-cfg --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=$HOME/.docker/config.json --type=<http://kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson|kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson> --namespace flyte
but I'm not sure how to change the configuration in
to cause flytectl demo reload to use this secret in
- is this where a service account is supposed to come in?
Yes, there is a way to configure a sandbox deployment to work with a private Docker registry where you have pre-built images stored. The process involves creating a Kubernetes secret for the Docker registry authentication and then ensuring that the Flyte workflows and tasks are able to use this secret to pull images. From the information provided, you've already created a Kubernetes secret using your Docker registry credentials. The next step is to ensure that this secret is used by the Flyte pods when they try to pull images from your private registry. To do this, you need to modify the default service account in the namespace where Flyte is deployed (for the sandbox, it's usually
) to include your
. This will allow all pods created in this namespace to use the secret for pulling images. Here are the steps: 1. ​*Patch the Default Service Account*​: You need to patch the default service account in the Flyte namespace to include the
that references the secret you created. This can be done with the following command:
Copy code
kubectl patch serviceaccount default -n flyte -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "docker-cfg"}]}'
with the name of the secret you created. 2. ​*Confirm the Configuration*​: After patching the service account, you can confirm that the
has been added by describing the service account:
Copy code
kubectl describe sa default -n flyte
3. ​*Use the Service Account in Workflows/Tasks*​: Ensure that your workflows/tasks are configured to use the default service account, or specify the service account explicitly if using a different one. This is usually handled by default, but can be explicitly set in the task's pod spec if necessary. 4. ​*Reload Flyte Sandbox*​: If you're using Flyte sandbox, you might need to restart it to ensure all configurations are correctly applied. Use
flytectl sandbox restart
to restart the sandbox environment. This approach leverages the Kubernetes native way of handling image pull secrets and does not require changes to
. The key is ensuring that the service account used by Flyte pods has the necessary
configured. --- This is an AI-generated response, take its recommendations with caution. Please help us improve the model accuracy by giving this response a thumbs up/thumbs down reaction. Sources https://github.com/unionai-oss/deploy-flyte/blob/main/environments/gcp/flyte-core/README.md/ https://discuss.flyte.org/t/861/hi-i-m-trying-to-configure-a-secret-to-be-able-to-pull-our-d/ https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/user_guide/development_lifecycle/private_images.html/ https://docs.flyte.org/en/v1.10.7/flytesnacks/examples/development_lifecycle/private_images.html/ Answered By Glime 👍 button 👎 button
@Glime I've done the folowing: Created a secret
kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-cfg --docker-server=<http://ghcr.io|ghcr.io> --docker-username=username --docker-password=PAT --namespace flyte
Found the service account for flyte-sandbox to be flyte-sandbox via:
kubectl get pods -n flyte
kubectl describe pod flyte-sandbox-6bb5985976-z5ccn -n flyte
Patched the service account to add imagePullSecrets via:
kubectl patch serviceaccount flyte-sandbox -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "docker-cfg"}]}'
Reloaded the demo sandbox to pull in new config via:
flytctl demo reload
Submitted a job with a container task that looks something like this:
Copy code
ct1 = ContainerTask(
    command=["python", "-c", "print('Hello, World!')"],
However I consistently get the following error when this task runs in the flyte interface:
3/29/2024 8:53:38 PM UTC [ContainersNotReady|ErrImagePull]: containers with unready status: [f1d02aabed592469b8eb-n2-0]|rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "<http://ghcr.io/my_org/some_docker/core:develop|ghcr.io/my_org/some_docker/core:develop>": failed to resolve reference "<http://ghcr.io/my_org/some_docker/core:develop|ghcr.io/my_org/some_docker/core:develop>": failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status: 401 Unauthorized
I'm behind a corporate proxy and I've set this during
flytectl demo start
by adding
Is there something I'm doing wrong or should be doing differently?
Based on the steps you've followed and the error message you're encountering, it seems like the issue might be related to the authentication with the private Docker registry (GHCR.io) rather than the configuration on the Flyte or Kubernetes side. The
401 Unauthorized
error indicates that the Kubernetes cluster is unable to authenticate with the registry using the provided credentials. Here are a few things to check and try: 1. ​*Verify Secret Creation*​: Ensure that the Docker registry secret (
) was created correctly with the right credentials. The Personal Access Token (PAT) you're using should have the correct scopes/permissions to access the private images on GHCR.io. 2. ​*Proxy Configuration*​: Since you're behind a corporate proxy, ensure that the proxy settings are correctly applied not just to the
flytectl demo start
but also to the Kubernetes pods that are trying to pull the image. This might involve setting the proxy environment variables (
) in the pod specification of your tasks. You can do this by customizing the pod spec in your Flyte tasks or workflows. 3. ​*Service Account Verification*​: Double-check that the
service account is indeed the one being used by your tasks. If your tasks are running in a different namespace or with a different service account, you'll need to patch that service account with the
instead. 4. ​*Image Reference*​: Ensure that the image reference in your task is correct and accessible. Sometimes, issues can arise if the image tag (in your case,
) does not exist or if there's a typo in the repository name or image name. 5. ​*Manual Pull Test*​: Try manually pulling the image from a machine that's configured with the same proxy settings and Docker credentials to ensure that there are no issues with the image or credentials themselves. 6. ​*Kubernetes Proxy Configuration*​: If Kubernetes nodes are behind a proxy, you might need to configure the Docker daemon on each node to use the proxy. This involves setting the proxy configuration in the Docker daemon's configuration file (
) and restarting the Docker service. If after checking these points the issue persists, you might want to look into the logs of the Kubernetes nodes or the container runtime to get more insights into why the image pull is failing. Remember, when dealing with private registries and proxies, both authentication and network connectivity need to be correctly configured for image pulls to work seamlessly. Sources https://docs.flyte.org/en/v1.10.7/flytesnacks/examples/development_lifecycle/private_images.html/ https://github.com/unionai-oss/deploy-flyte/blob/main/environments/gcp/flyte-core/README.md/ https://discuss.flyte.org/t/10328244/hi-all-i-ve-managed-to-get-a-local-demo-cluster-working-on-m/ Answered By Glime 👍 button 👎 button
@Russell S could you inspect the secret you created from Docker's
? like
kubectl describe secret docker-cfg -n flyte
and validate there's a
key on the