<@U06HBGN1SA0> How do i enable more verbose logs f...
# ask-ai
@Glime How do i enable more verbose logs for pyflyte run --remote
To enable more verbose logs for
pyflyte run --remote
, you can increase the verbosity level by setting the
environment variable. For more detailed logs, you can set this variable to a lower level, such as
which corresponds to a numeric value of
. Here's how you can do it:
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pyflyte run --remote ...
This will make the logging more verbose and should help in debugging issues by providing more detailed information in the logs. Additionally, when working with tasks, you can also set the logging level directly in the task decorator by using the
Copy code
from flytekit import task

@task(environment={"FLYTE_SDK_LOGGING_LEVEL": "10"})
def my_task():
This approach allows you to control the verbosity level for specific tasks, making it easier to debug them individually. --- This is an AI-generated response, take its recommendations with caution. Please help us improve the model accuracy by giving this response a thumbs up/thumbs down reaction. Sources https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/4830/ https://discuss.flyte.org/t/9458852/hey-there-we-are-noting-some-relatively-high-latency-for-sim/ Answered By Glime 👍 button 👎 button