<@U06HBGN1SA0> Can I make a gRPC call to `flyteidl...
# ask-ai
@Glime Can I make a gRPC call to
and pass a filter for
To directly answer your question: Based on the provided context, there is no explicit mention or example of using a
filter with the
gRPC call. The Flyte documentation and discussions provided do not cover the specifics of filtering launch plans by labels through gRPC calls. However, it's important to note that FlyteAdmin supports adding request filters for HTTP requests via the gRPC Gateway, as mentioned in the Flyte documentation. These filters include operations like
(not equal), and
for repeated sets of values. While this mechanism provides a way to filter entities based on certain fields, the documentation does not explicitly state that
can be used as a filterable field in this context. Given the absence of direct evidence or examples in the provided context that
can be used as a filter in the
gRPC call, and considering the limitations mentioned regarding the filtering capabilities over gRPC/HTTP gateway, it's reasonable to conclude that filtering launch plans by labels through a gRPC call might not be supported directly as of the information available up to this point. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it would be advisable to consult the latest Flyte documentation or reach out to the Flyte community for any recent developments or workarounds that might not have been covered in the provided context.