Hello everyone, really cool to see everything happ...
# flyte-on-gcp
Hello everyone, really cool to see everything happening with this project! My shop is currently on GCP, and I am trying to deploy Flyte to our k8s cluster running there. There is very good reference implementation here, for spinning everything up from scratch, but I am not so sure about using our already provisioned resources. If possible, could anyone please elaborate on what one would need to modify or change in order to do this? Thank you in advance! 🙏
Welcome Griffin! So, besides the GKE cluster, what other resources have you provisioned already?
Hi David! Really appreciate all you’ve been doing for the community. I also have a DB (Google Cloud SQL) and a Cloud Storage bucket
Ok, I think at this point you can use the reference implementation for guidance but it's probably not very useful to actually run the modules. You'll need to create a new database in your DB server and, for clarity, a new storage bucket for Flyte to store metadata. Once you have this, you can indicate the required information in the
file and then run a helm installation against the
namespace. Do you have an Ingress controller already in place?
No, not yet
In theory one can
terraform import
existing resources.
Do you have any data in your existing database you want to preserve?
Deleting and recreating with the union oss module is definitely quicker.
We are using postgres, is it possible to define a new
schema and isolate there?
In theory, yes. In the other hand, the modules configure the DB to use Private Services Connect and some specific CIDR ranges. I'm not sure how it would interact with your current installation
Would it be best to just provision a fresh DB?
I'd say so
Ok, fair enough