When running `flytectl demo` is there a way to inc...
# ask-the-community
When running
flytectl demo
is there a way to increase the allowed total ~G~CPU/Memory per task? My mem="10Gi" requests are received by the flyte server and silently truncated to "1Gi" -_-
ok I'm pretty sure i need to change
somehow.... following: https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/configuration/general.html#cluster-resources I run
flytectl get cluster-resource-attribute -p flytesnacks -d development
but I get:
Copy code
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x70 pc=0x147f37c]

goroutine 1 [running]:
<http://github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/cmd/get.FetchAndUnDecorateMatchableAttr({0x257b478|github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/cmd/get.FetchAndUnDecorateMatchableAttr({0x257b478>?, 0xc0000560a8?}, {0x7ffc1eb6a9db?, 0xc00099f998?}, {0x7ffc1eb6a9ea?, 0xc000ae5090?}, {0x0?, 0xc000afc701?}, {0x0, 0x0}, ...)
        /home/runner/work/flytectl/flytectl/cmd/get/matchable_attribute_util.go:32 +0xbc
<http://github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/cmd/get.getClusterResourceAttributes({0x257b478|github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/cmd/get.getClusterResourceAttributes({0x257b478>, 0xc0000560a8}, {0xc000315d80, 0x0, 0x257b120?}, {0x0, {0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0}, ...})
        /home/runner/work/flytectl/flytectl/cmd/get/matchable_cluster_resource_attribute.go:78 +0x2a6
<http://github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/cmd/core.generateCommandFunc.func1(0xc0009fbb80|github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/cmd/core.generateCommandFunc.func1(0xc0009fbb80>?, {0xc000315d80, 0x0, 0x4})
        /home/runner/work/flytectl/flytectl/cmd/core/cmd.go:70 +0x93d
<http://github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).execute(0xc0009fbb80|github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).execute(0xc0009fbb80>, {0xc000315d40, 0x4, 0x4})
        /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/github.com/spf13/cobra@v1.4.0/command.go:856 +0x67c
        /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/github.com/spf13/cobra@v1.4.0/command.go:974 +0x3bd
        /home/runner/work/flytectl/flytectl/cmd/root.go:137 +0x1e
        /home/runner/work/flytectl/flytectl/main.go:12 +0x1d
trying to follow the instructions for updating the project quotas:
Copy code
flytectl update cluster-resource-attribute --attrFile cra.yaml
Copy code
    projectQuotaCpu: "1000"
    projectQuotaMemory: 5Ti
domain: development
project: flytesnacks
Copy code
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x1aeed82]

goroutine 1 [running]:
<http://github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/cmd/update.DecorateAndUpdateMatchableAttr({0x257b478|github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/cmd/update.DecorateAndUpdateMatchableAttr({0x257b478>, 0xc0000560a8}, {0xc000a9cb00, 0xb}, {0xc000a9caf0, 0xb}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0}, ...)
        /home/runner/work/flytectl/flytectl/cmd/update/matchable_attribute_util.go:37 +0x2e2
<http://github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/cmd/update.updateClusterResourceAttributesFunc({0x257b478|github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/cmd/update.updateClusterResourceAttributesFunc({0x257b478>, 0xc0000560a8}, {0xc000a1fb40?, 0x100000049c5e5?, 0x257b120?}, {0x0, {0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0}, ...})
        /home/runner/work/flytectl/flytectl/cmd/update/matchable_cluster_resource_attribute.go:75 +0x206
<http://github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/cmd/core.generateCommandFunc.func1(0xc00083b680|github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/cmd/core.generateCommandFunc.func1(0xc00083b680>?, {0xc000660760, 0x0, 0x2})
        /home/runner/work/flytectl/flytectl/cmd/core/cmd.go:70 +0x93d
<http://github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).execute(0xc00083b680|github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).execute(0xc00083b680>, {0xc000660740, 0x2, 0x2})
        /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/github.com/spf13/cobra@v1.4.0/command.go:856 +0x67c
        /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/github.com/spf13/cobra@v1.4.0/command.go:974 +0x3bd
        /home/runner/work/flytectl/flytectl/cmd/root.go:137 +0x1e
        /home/runner/work/flytectl/flytectl/main.go:12 +0x1d
ah.. getting closer:
Copy code
$ flytectl update cluster-resource-attribute --attrFile cra.yaml --config ~/.flyte/config-sandbox.yaml
Updated attributes from flytesnacks project and domain development
seems to work!! My jobs aren't OOMing!! Maybe stragely If i go grab the k8s definition from the k8s dashboard I see the pod has the instructions:
Copy code
          cpu: '2'
          memory: 1Gi
          cpu: '2'
          memory: 1Gi
while my Task has defined:
So I feel like I'm not correctly doing this....
edit - my task was still eventually oomkilled...
ah, finally I think I got it... In addition to the
above I needed to update the
as well: tra.yaml:
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    cpu: "1"
    memory: 1Gi
    cpu: "1000"
    memory: 5Ti
project: flytesnacks
domain: development
Copy code
flytectl update task-resource-attribute --attrFile tra.yaml --config ~/.flyte/config-sandbox.yaml
now my pod resource correctly reflects my settings:
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          cpu: '1'
          memory: 6500Mi
          cpu: '1'
          memory: 6500Mi
https://github.com/flyteorg/flytesnacks/pull/1183 added some of the above to the documentation.
flytectl demo can’t use GPU for now. cc @L godlike
that was a typo @Kevin Su sorry, supposed to be CPU. Although, looking forward to GPU usage as well!
Yes, we are working on enabling GPUs in the sandbox
I am working on it! I will mention you when I finished!
ths for your help ❤️
@Ryuu Hi, currently my ubuntu is using WSL kernel, which might cause unexpected behavior when using GPU in the sandbox. If you are using Ubuntu, can you help me test this step by step? Here is a guidance about how to execute it. https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/pull/3256#issuecomment-1784590139
@Dan Farrell If you can help, I will be really appreciated, too.
@L godlike the command:
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flytectl demo start --image futureoutlier/flyte-sandbox:gpu-v2 --disable-agent --force
does not seem to work on my ubuntu gpu workstation, it just exits with no logs.
Thanks a lot, maybe the dockerfile is not correct, I will try to create my own and mention you to try it
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docker run --rm -it futureoutlier/flyte-sandbox:gpu-v2
also gives no stdout and fails immediately
k3d entrypoint logs:
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[2023-10-30T15:31:24+00:00] Running k3d entrypoints...
[2023-10-30T15:31:24+00:00] Running /bin/k3d-entrypoint-cgroupv2.sh
[2023-10-30T15:31:24+00:00] Running /bin/k3d-entrypoint-flyte-sandbox-bootstrap.sh
2023/10/30 15:31:24 failed to apply transformations: lookup host.docker.internal on no such host
Ok, i will try it now
those logs are from running via docker run, so maybe it is not expected to work when running via docker run Also @L godlike I must need more coffee, The command:
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flytectl demo start --image futureoutlier/flyte-sandbox:gpu-v2 --disable-agent --force
Does not exit with no logs, it gives me the following output,
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{"status":"Status: Downloaded newer image for futureoutlier/flyte-sandbox:gpu-v2"}
🧑‍🏭 booting Flyte-sandbox container
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
Waiting for cluster to come up...
I was meaning to say that the
container that it spawns fails and has no logs (
Copy code
73a7896f3379   futureoutlier/flyte-sandbox:gpu-v2                                                                "/bin/k3d-entrypoint…"   17 minutes ago   Exited (1) 16 minutes ago             flyte-sandbox
Ok, I will try to make a new dockerfile with GPU tomorrow, and if there’s any problem I face and I can’t solve it, I will come here for help
Thanks you two, really appreciated 🙏🏻
Maybe this is my problem:
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$ docker run --gpus=all --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/bash futureoutlier/flyte-sandbox:gpu-v2
docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error running hook #0: error running hook: exit status 1, stdout: , stderr: Auto-detected mode as 'legacy'
nvidia-container-cli: requirement error: unsatisfied condition: cuda>=12.1, please update your driver to a newer version, or use an earlier cuda container: unknown.
My cuda is 11.8
I will update how to specify the cuda version. @Ryuu Can I know your test result?
@Dan Farrell Are you willing to start following this guide from scratch and build your own image? I can't test it due to my WSL kernel, if the guide doesn't work, I will try to produce another Docker GPU image. https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/pull/3256#issuecomment-1784590139
ok it's building now
Thanks a lot, if there's any problem, please let me know
@L godlike with the locally built docker image I can run it with gpu access, but I still get the k3s no such host error
doing something wild here? or is this a problem with my env?
@L godlike finally getting somewhere....
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root@153de33f2937:/# cat /var/log/k3d-entrypoints_231031053514.log
[2023-10-31T05:35:14+00:00] Running k3d entrypoints...
[2023-10-31T05:35:14+00:00] Running /bin/k3d-entrypoint-cgroupv2.sh
[2023-10-31T05:35:14+00:00] Running /bin/k3d-entrypoint-flyte-sandbox-bootstrap.sh
[2023-10-31T05:35:14+00:00] Running /bin/k3d-entrypoint-gpu-check.sh
/bin/k3d-entrypoint.sh: 14: /bin/k3d-entrypoint-gpu-check.sh: Permission denied
root@153de33f2937:/# chmod +x /bin/k3d-entrypoint-gpu-check.sh
this needs to be executable
So there are 2 main questions to figure out now. 1. how
works 2. how to make
get the host
I will study it today and reply you
All you need to do is:
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chmod +x ./docker/sandbox-bundled/bin/k3d-entrypoint-gpu-check.sh
So the image is correct and it works?
Can you allocate GPU to the node? Can you use the GPU in the task?
If possible, can you also provide the screenshot in the github description's comment?
you can use
kubectl describe node | grep -i gpu
@L godlike sr, i have some own work right now. I will response as soon as possible .
It's OK, good luck with your work! Appreciated to your help!
@Dan Farrell If possible, please add the screenshots under this PR description, thanks really really much https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/pull/3256