hey Flyte folks, so i have been seen this weird/br...
# ask-the-community
hey Flyte folks, so i have been seen this weird/breaking behavior in relaunching a workflow that has optional input(FlyteFile)
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Workflow[myworkflow.fastq2bam_workflow] failed. RuntimeExecutionError: max number of system retry attempts [11/10] exhausted. Last known status message: Failed to check Catalog for previous results: unexpected artifactData: [trimmed_fastqs] type: [map_value_type:<union_type:<variants:<blob:<> > variants:<union_type:<variants:<blob:<> structure:<tag:"FlyteFilePath" > > > > > > ] does not match any task output type: [map_value_type:<union_type:<variants:<blob:<> structure:<tag:"FlyteFilePath" > > variants:<simple:NONE structure:<tag:"none" > > > > ]
unfortunately i am unable to replicate it in flyte sandbox yet. Essentially when we relaunch a workflow due to failure, in that workflow the successful task that has optional input is stuck in
state and flytepropeller is unable to resolve it. did anyone encountered this issue?
maybe it is an issue on
side? I also noticed that for individual relaunch optional types input is also getting ignored(input becomes None) and thus do not utilize caching
how did you run the workflow at the beginning. pyflyte run?
from flyteconsole
so launch works, but failed to relaunch
yeah brand new launch will work but relaunch fails
are you able to share the workflow code to reproduce? we’ll investigate it tomorrow
so far no luck yet 😅 yeah once i have something definitely will post it here
This sounds very similar to this issue.