```# Step3: Edit the config file: ./flyte-single-b...
# ask-the-community
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# Step3: Edit the config file: ./flyte-single-binary-local.yaml.
# Replace occurrences of $HOME with the actual path of your home directory.
sed -i "s|\$HOME|${HOME}|g" ./flyte-single-binary-local.yaml
Hi, community Can anyone explain how should the $(HOME) directory look like and give me a "ls" screen shot" under the directory ? PS: Both @Hank Huang and I face the problem, please guide us, thank you This is my information
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(dev) root@googler:/mnt/c/code/dev# ls
Dockerfile  Notifications  flyte  flyteadmin  flyteconsole  flytekit  flytepropeller  flytesnacks
(dev) root@googler:/mnt/c/code/dev# find . | grep -i cluster-resource-templates
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(dev) root@googler:~# cd $HOME
(dev) root@googler:~# tree .flyte/
├── config-sandbox.yaml
├── k3s
│   └── k3s.yaml -> /var/lib/flyte/config/kubeconfig
├── node
│   └── password
├── sandbox
│   └── kubeconfig
└── webhook-certs
    ├── ca.crt
    ├── tls.crt
    └── tls.key

4 directories, 7 files
(dev) root@googler:~#
Please guide me, thanks a lot for your time