Hi Community, I just encounter such error, when I ...
# ask-the-community
Hi Community, I just encounter such error, when I tried to implement for the is_None function for Promise class. Does any one has experience know how to trace such error? Here is the error Msg
Copy code
Failed with Exception Code: SYSTEM:Unknown
RPC Failed, with Status: StatusCode.INTERNAL
	details: failed to compile workflow for [resource_type:WORKFLOW project:"flytesnacks" domain:"development" name:"basics.test_is_none.none_wf2" version:"ZYGVziJ0jsZaGg1isWbahQ==" ] with err failed to compile workflow with err Collected Errors: 1
	Error 0: Code: ValueRequired, Node Id: n1, Description: Value required [RightValue.Val].

	Debug string UNKNOWN:Error received from peer  {created_time:"2023-07-18T06:16:32.672034473+00:00", grpc_status:13, grpc_message:"failed to compile workflow for [resource_type:WORKFLOW project:\"flytesnacks\" domain:\"development\" name:\"basics.test_is_none.none_wf2\" version:\"ZYGVziJ0jsZaGg1isWbahQ==\" ] with err failed to compile workflow with err Collected Errors: 1\n\tError 0: Code: ValueRequired, Node Id: n1, Description: Value required [RightValue.Val].\n"}
i think there’s fundamental stuff in promise that needs to change to support something like this.
also i re-wrote your example a bit
couple things
the signature of all the ‘outputs’ of the conditional (all the then() calls) has to be the same. so i made both none_func and not_none_func return a typing.Union[str, None] aka Optional.
you should be able to just use
my_input == None
in the conditional
there’s a slew of stuff missing in promise.py to handle Nones/Unions
might push some partial changes in a bit
I see, Thanks for the advice.