Hello, I am trying to create a custom image to use...
# ask-the-community
Hello, I am trying to create a custom image to use for flyte workflows through the
parameter. I am interested in using whylogs, but if I include flyteplugins-whylogs (tried 1.4.2, 1.5.0, 1.6.1, 1.6.2 and 1.7.0), all my workflows fail without error message, even if I'm not importing whylogs in my code. On the other hand, if I remove this plugin, the workflows work normally. Is there something wrong with the plugin?
How are you specifying the
parameter. My experience is that the default Flyte Docker image comes with battery not included. So if you want to use 3party libraries, you’ll need to build your own docker image, and use that image to run your tasks, workflows
I am building my own image and hosting it on dockerhub. I am able to use it to run workflows, but when I install this specific plugin in the image, all my workflows fail without error message.
Have you checked the pod logs?
kubectl logs <pod-name> -n <namespace>
There are no logs. Only log I get is:
Copy code
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
Which I also get when the run is successful without the plugin.
Are you able to run the code successfully locally?
@Nuno Martins You can ignore that log. Not a solution, but rather a hack that might help you debug. Sometimes, you have to be really quick to see the log of the pod before they got clear. That’s my experience. Also, if possible, can you provide some code snippets so we have more insights on what you’re trying to do and can triage the errors.
It's an empty workflow, it only has 1 task with a no-op. Regarding logs, I'm capturing them with a datadog agent, so they should show up regardless. I'm not even importing anything related to whylogs, only base python libraries