We're seeing flytepropeller auth failures after in...
# announcements
We're seeing flytepropeller auth failures after installation/upgrade (via helm) with a message like this:
Copy code
E1220 16:10:36.391892       1 workers.go:102] error syncing 'mandant1-development/f3359d6b5cd941830000': Workflow[] failed. ErrorRecordingError: failed to publish event, caused by: EventSinkError: Error sending event, caused by [rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = token parse error [JWT_VERIFICATION_FAILED] Could not retrieve id token from metadata, caused by: rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = Request unauthenticated with IDToken]
It leaves the system in a weird state because there's no hard failure. flytepropeller ist running after all so our monitoring does not trigger an alarm, but no workflow execution is happening. After a flytepropeller restart, it suddenly starts working again. So after some digging I found out why this happens in our setup:
is populated with
during installation which is set to the placeholder
. We set the secret value dynamically though with a helm hook during installation because we need to fetch the real client-secret from Keycloak. That happens only after flytepropeller is deployed and it seems that flytepropeller does not reload the secret on changes. Since
is managed by helm, this happens again on every
helm upgrade
. I see mainly two (non exclusive) ways to improve this behavior: • Remove the default
and only create
via helm if the value is actually set. Only mount
if external auth is enabled. That would cause flytepropeller to fail to start until
is created by other means. • Trigger a flytepropeller reload when
changes. Any thoughts on this? Happy to contribute here but I'd like to discuss the best way forward with you first.
Thank you for reporting this! I think 2 makes sense to do... I also think maybe we should add `enabled: false`s to adminOauthClient if someone wants to manage creds completely outside helm
👍 1
Thanks for your suggestion @Haytham Abuelfutuh I just created created a PR that adds a new
option for adminOauthClientCredentials: https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/pull/1976
👍 1