Hello, could somebody help me debug connection to ...
# flyte-deployment
Hello, could somebody help me debug connection to the flyte cluster? I’ve just deployed flyte-binary following this guide. I’ve already run some workflows but now I’ve added ingress configuration, so I don’t have to run port-forward every time:
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  create: true
    <http://kubernetes.io/ingress.class|kubernetes.io/ingress.class>: internal
    <http://nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect|nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect>: "true"
    <http://nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/app-root|nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/app-root>: /console
    <http://nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol|nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol>: GRPC
  host: <http://flyte-dev.internal.qa-knowledge-base-coin-dev.z-dn.net|flyte-dev.internal.qa-knowledge-base-coin-dev.z-dn.net>
Console works just fine but I get these errors from flytectl:
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$ flytectl config init --host <http://flyte-dev.internal.qa-knowledge-base-coin-dev.z-dn.net|flyte-dev.internal.qa-knowledge-base-coin-dev.z-dn.net>
$ flytectl get project
Error: Connection Info: [Endpoint: dns:///flyte-dev.internal.qa-knowledge-base-coin-dev.z-dn.net, InsecureConnection?: false, AuthMode: Pkce]: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 464 (); malformed header: missing HTTP content-type

$ flytectl config init --host <http://flyte-dev.internal.qa-knowledge-base-coin-dev.z-dn.net|flyte-dev.internal.qa-knowledge-base-coin-dev.z-dn.net> --insecure
$ flytectl get project
Error: Connection Info: [Endpoint: dns:///flyte-dev.internal.qa-knowledge-base-coin-dev.z-dn.net, InsecureConnection?: true, AuthMode: Pkce]: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection closed before server preface received
Any suggestions?
Nevermind, our nginx controller didn’t support grpc 😉 But we also have alb for which I succesfully followed this thread: https://flyte-org.slack.com/archives/C01P3B761A6/p1671215817793359 Happy to work with Flyte now 😄
thanks for sharing @Amadeusz Lisiecki Posting here the permalink for that thread: https://discuss.flyte.org/t/8171141/Hi-First-time-trying-to-deploy-Flyte-on-AWS-following-these- Hopefully we'll have revised and available guides for Ingress setup soon
@Amadeusz Lisiecki Hi, can I please ask you how did you solve this issue? I’m struggling this issue as well. I’m getting this error
PermissionDenied desc = unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 403
I’m wondering wether if it’s the same reason since we don’t use GRPC as well… Thank you!
@Ariel Kaspit what ingress controller are you using?
@David Espejo (he/him) I’m using the native GKE ingress controller which is GCE
@Ariel Kaspit I switched to ALB because our NGINX config didn’t support GRPC at the time.