Hello All. Hope you are doing well. I am a softwar...
# announcements
Hello All. Hope you are doing well. I am a software developer (precisely python developer) and new to the domain of ML. During the journey, i encountered an error while applying flyte for workflow. i am working with spacy and at first it was just one file without any self defined functions and just calling 3rd party APIs. so i somewhat changed one sequential code to function to create tasks to get better understanding of flyte. well, in one function (task) i am returning a list of tuple. like traindata = [...('some text here',{'key': (1,3,'abc')})...] and wrote return type as typing.List[tuple]. but it is giving me an exception that generic types cannot be there. what should i do in this condition
👋 1
To understand the problem - either the exact error or a snippet of the erroring function definition will help. If you are ok to paste it here would be awesome
this is the function i want to be the task
and the exception i am getting
HI @Ketan (kumare3) can you offer some expert insights based upon the above code samples (@komal azram)
hello @Open AIMP - sorry i missed the message.
cc @Yee / So tuples are restricted type currently. Flyte does not allow tuples to be passed. This is because we use named tuples to name the output vars. For example
typing.NamedTuple("op", [("x": int)])
Would it possible to instead convert the List of tuples to either 1. pandas.DataFrame OR Create a new dataclass - e.g DataClass and use as 2. List[DataClass]
On a side note @Open AIMP I see you are educating folks on using MLOps. This fantastic. May i send you a DM. We are infact working on a new overlay on top of Flytekit, that will simplify flytekit usage for beginners?
cc @Niels Bantilan
Hi @Ketan (kumare3) @Niels Bantilan...I'm excited to learn about the new overlay...how should we engage?
@Open AIMP can we understand the usecases
We want to understand what is it that you guys want and how are you approaching it
Insurance Fraud detection, Insurance Contract Management, Insurance Product Recommendation, Insurance Forecasting, etc. are some of the use-cases.
Let's schedule some time next week or rather week after
Super. Are you in EST?