If I understand correctly, `@dynamic` is a workflo...
# ask-the-community
If I understand correctly,
is a workflow whose DAG is created during runtime (unlike
whose DAG is created during compile time), which makes it more flexible. So my question is, what are the downsides of
compared to a static
? Why aren’t all flyte workflows
(kind of like how all PyTorch computational graphs are by default dynamic)? Are there meaningful performance penalties to using
You don't get the safety of
(compiled before registration). Dynamics being compiled at runtime means you can run into runtime issues that would've been caught by compiling the workflow (from my experience)
Right - but wouldn’t that be caught during local testing?
For the most part, yes. There's also the overhead of storing the entire DAG in the head dynamic node. I love dynamics, but have had issues with scale (when running 1,000s of tasks in a dynamic)
Ah ok, this was what I wanted to know - if there are tradeoff in terms of performance I need to worry about since I don’t understand the internals very well
Thank you so much for the input! BTW, if you don’t mind me asking, what workflow required 1,000s of tasks?
@Greg Gydush
We have thousands of samples, each sample can have 50GB+ of data, so we run at least 1 task per sample, leading to thousands of tasks!
Dynamic from a scale pov should behave similar to static, but you won’t be able to see the workflow before runtime
This can be a dealbreaker
Also caching is limited
@Ketan (kumare3) thanks - but why is caching limited?
You can generate a task, how can Flyte know if the generated task is similar to previous
Though for most part it works great today, after carefully orchestrating this
Couldn’t you technically compare the code at runtime instead of compile time to see if it is cached? I guess that’s easier said than done?
You can generate a task, how can Flyte know if the generated task is similar to previous
Can you comment on how this is done at the workflow level compared to dynamics? I thought caching was just interface/inputs/cache_version, which you'd have for both workflows and dynamics