Hi, I'm a bit confused about how to specify images...
# ask-the-community
Hi, I'm a bit confused about how to specify images if I don't use the sandbox.config file here: https://docs.flyte.org/projects/cookbook/en/latest/auto/core/containerization/multi_images.html#sphx-glr-auto-core-containerization-multi-images-py I tried in
but can't figure out the proper format
have to create sandbox.config in workflow directory
@Ena Škopelja,you can add a stanza to your
like so:
Copy code
  endpoint: dns:///<your-admin>
  xyz: <http://docker.io/xyz:latest|docker.io/xyz:latest>
  abc: <http://docker.io/abc|docker.io/abc>
@Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario) I get this error:
Copy code
strict mode is on but received keys [map[images:{}]] to decode with no config assigned to receive them: failed strict mode check  src="main.go:13"
flytectl config validate
for the config you suggested.
@Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario) @Kevin Su am I supposed to add the
to the docker image somehow other than having it in the project root, something like this? And what exactly should be in it? It's not clear to me how flyte reads it and how it interacts with the global config. To clarify, this is my project setup:
Copy code
|- workflows
|     |- package_1
|     |   |- package_1
|     |   |   |- __init__.py
|     |   |   |- sandbox.config
|     |   |   |- tasks.py
|     |   |   |- workflows.py
|     |   |- pyproject.toml
|     |   |- default.Dockerfile
|     |   |- some_special.Dockerfile
|     |- package_2
|     |   |- package_2
|     |   |   |- __init__.py
|     |   |   |- sandbox.config
|     |   |   |- tasks.py
|     |   |   |- workflows.py
|     |   |- pyproject.toml
|     |   |- default.Dockerfile
depends on
. What I would like is that each project has a registry of images that I can reference as described here. Is that possible? The way I have it it's not getting recognized by flyte. I tried moving sandbox.config up one level but that doesn't help either.
I see now, thanks for clarifying this. Two things: 1. you found a bug in
strict mode. Mind filing an issue (using this template)? Here's an example PR that adds a new flag to flytectl config file: https://github.com/flyteorg/flytectl/pull/361/ 2. Here's the logic used to find the config file: https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/blob/master/flytekit/configuration/file.py#L237-L270. As you can see, we assume that the file is going to be named either
or it lives under
or its path is set via an environment var called
or by specifying
--config <filename>
when invoking
pyflyte register / serialize
. The
section is needed only when you're registering a task, so as long as you configure flytekit to find the correct file you can have it anywhere you want, including multiple config files, one per package. Again, just to reinforce the message, this is only needed at registration time, so you have a few options. Please reach out if this is not clear.
Thank you, I'll give it another go tomorrow. Just one follow up, how does
interact with my config in
that I generated using
pyflyte config init
, does it override it? I'm asking because I vaguely remember giving the
option a try but getting some registration error (something caused by the domain not being set correctly, which is not the case in my global config file). Also, at which level are the docker images available? I'm assuming project+domain, right?
flytekit is going to use the first config file that it can find for that particular invocation. So, in your case, you'll need the image information at registration time, e.g. as part of the call to
pyflyte register
or using the combo
pyflyte serialize + flytectl register
. I'm curious to see which error you were seeing. We can set up a call tomorrow if you want.
Here's the error I'm seeing, it's trying to post a workflow to the wrong endpoint:
Copy code
debug_error_string = "UNKNOWN:failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused {created_time:"2023-03-01T11:24:21.493993+01:00", grpc_status:14}"
Or, more decriptively, I get
Registering against localhost:30080
when running with
What I have in the config file is:
Copy code
endpoint = dns:///some.internal.domain
authtype = Pkce
insecure = False

show-source = True
level = 0

Registration works if I just reference
that has:
Copy code
# For GRPC endpoints you might want to use dns:///flyte.myexample.com
  endpoint: dns:///some.internal.domain
  authType: Pkce
  insecure: false
  show-source: true
  level: 0
and in
Registering against some.internal.domain
ok, it works with a
file in this format (note: has to have
Copy code
  authType: Pkce
  endpoint: dns:///some.internal.domain
  insecure: false
  level: 0
  show-source: true
What version of flytekit are you running? We added support for
in flytekit 1.1.0 (precisely in this commit: https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/commit/195d26ab0cc03260bb96b828219fcf7e6ea768a1)
Why is that relevant?
is working properly,
is not picking up the admin stuff
ok, so you're unblocked ? We're supporting both config formats for compatibility purposes, but yaml is our recommendation going forwad
Yes, thank you for your help 🙏 ! Do you want me to file a bug for the
format as well?
sure and thank you!