Hey everyone, I’m new to Flyte, and I’m not a k8s ...
# ask-the-community
Hey everyone, I’m new to Flyte, and I’m not a k8s pro so I would like some help to clarify practical concerns. Let’s assume Flyte is running on an AWS/GCP, let’s say EKS/EC2. • How does autoscaling work with Flyte + k8s? • (How) can you control resource allocation, e.g. team or user quotas, for it be fair and efficient while controlling costs? • can you control queueing, priorities? Thank you!
Yes you can do most of it, but mostly through k8s in conjunction. May I recommend you look at union.ai as a fully managed offering that takes care of all of this automatically
User quotas use k8s resource quota - but Flyte has a simple way of managing it Priorities are not directly available today (planned in the future) Autoscaling is k8s native, but Flyte will manage back pressure
Thanks both!