Hi comm, I'm new to Flyte. I have been trying to...
# ask-the-community
Hi comm, I'm new to Flyte. I have been trying to get around this, but don't know what the issue is. I installed the flyte sandbox to test things out. When I run a workflow locally, it works fine and completed (typically completed in 3 mins). However, when I run it remotely in the sandbox, it takes very long time (about an hour) and eventually fails with this error:
Pod failed. No message received from kubernetes.
Welcome @Fhuad Balogun to the community. Have you run
flytectl demo start
to spin up the cluster? And what workflow are you trying to run?
Yes I have
I created a small custom workflow. Although the quick one from the getting started page on the doc also had the same issue.
HI @Fhuad Balogun could you share the output of
kubectl get pods -n flyte
Could you also share the output of
kubcetl logs <pod-name> -n flytesnacks-development
? You can get the pod that's erroring out by running
kubectl get pods -n flytesnacks-development
is the namespace you triggered the workflow in.
Thanks guys @David Espejo @Samhita Alla This is the error I get on describing the pod in
namespace (screenshot) And when I check the logs, it says trying and failing to pull image.
I believe your system isn't allowing you to pull the image.
Thanks @Samhita Alla still didn't work. However, I'm already going deeper into registering workflows. I want to ask, how do I ship in all necessary packages that are needed to make a workflow run successfully? for example, I've modularized my code and the tasks arranged into a workflow are in different modules of the project, will Flyte be able to package all these when I run "pyflyte register", "pyflyte packages" or "flytctl register"? Also, how do I register workflows with different tasks from a Jupyter Notebook?
@Fhuad Balogun, you can use
pyflyte register
to package up all your tasks and workflows present in different modules. You can register workflows from a Jupyter notebook using
method: https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/blob/707fc03b88ec08fb10d60ac642f3c80e275bd90c/tests/flytekit/unit/remote/test_sandbox.py#L70-L77.
Ok. Thank you very much.
Hello @Samhita Alla Can you help with this issue? https://flyte-org.slack.com/archives/CP2HDHKE1/p1676980150513129
HI all
I was trying to push into docker registry provided by sandbox but its gives me issue
pandas_image_spec = custom_image = ImageSpec(base_image="cr.flyte.org/flyteorg/flytekit:py3.8-1.10.2", requirements="requirements.txt", registry="flyte-sandbox-docker-registry:30000", )
#10 ERROR: failed to do request: Head "https://flyte-sandbox-docker-registry:30000/v2/flytekit/blobs/sha256:95c8face58787aec77a706785d937c9a79e27a10ad7160b14603794e6cc1f6e6": dial tcp: lookup flyte-sandbox-docker-registry on no such host ------
exporting to image:
------ Failed with Unknown Exception <class 'Exception'> Reason: failed to run command envd build --path /var/folders/3t/zknn95217k1_glry5tdyxrzm0000gn/T/flytea9z7hopd/control_plane_metadata/local_flytekit/f0586d94ea435c9d66d7010b9688ba4b --platform linux/amd64 --output type=image,name=flyte-sandbox-docker-registry:30000/flytekit:FG_FuPzAsM0KRkvtHteClg..,push=true with error b'error: failed to do request: Head "https://flyte-sandbox-docker-registry:30000/v2/flytekit/blobs/sha256:95c8face58787aec77a706785d937c9a79e27a10ad7160b14603794e6cc1f6e6": dial tcp: lookup flyte-sandbox-docker-registry on no such host\n' failed to run command envd build --path /var/folders/3t/zknn95217k1_glry5tdyxrzm0000gn/T/flytea9z7hopd/control_plane_metadata/local_flytekit/f0586d94ea435c9d66d7010b9688ba4b --platform linux/amd64 --output type=image,name=flyte-sandbox-docker-registry:30000/flytekit:FG_FuPzAsM0KRkvtHteClg..,push=true with error b'error: failed to do request: Head "https://flyte-sandbox-docker-registry:30000/v2/flytekit/blobs/sha256:95c8face58787aec77a706785d937c9a79e27a10ad7160b14603794e6cc1f6e6": dial tcp: lookup flyte-sandbox-docker-registry on no such host\n'