Hi is there a preferred approach to deploy Flyte t...
# flyte-deployment
Hi is there a preferred approach to deploy Flyte to GKE (Helm or Kustomize)? Currently we’re using an older version of the Flyte helm chart. I tried to upgrade to the latest, but I run into two issues. Before I dig too deeply into fixing it I thought I might switch to kustomize if that is the preferred method
If you’re curious how we’re running Helm and the issues… command
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# from charts/flyte directory
helm template --name-template=flyte-dev . -n flyte -f values-dev-gke.yaml > flyte_generated_dev.yaml
Issues: 1. kubernetes-template-uri
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Error: template: flyte/charts/flyte/templates/propeller/webhook.yaml:30:27: executing "flyte/charts/flyte/templates/propeller/webhook.yaml" at <include (print .Template.BasePath "/propeller/configmap.yaml") .>: error calling include: template: flyte/charts/flyte/templates/propeller/configmap.yaml:50:23: executing "flyte/charts/flyte/templates/propeller/configmap.yaml" at <tpl (toYaml .) $>: error calling tpl: error during tpl function execution for "plugins:\n  logs:\n    cloudwatch-enabled: false\n    kubernetes-enabled: true\n    kubernetes-template-uri: <http://localhost:30082/#/log/{{> \"{{\" }} .namespace {{\n      \"}}\" }}/{{ \"{{\" }} .podName {{ \"}}\" }}/pod?namespace={{ \"{{\" }} .namespace {{\n      \"}}\" }}": parse error at (flyte/charts/flyte/templates/propeller/webhook.yaml:5): unexpected unclosed action in command
2. Larger issue is my values file doesn’t seem to be populating the k8s output like it used to. For example the
field where I try and add
cc @Haytham Abuelfutuh / @Yuvraj. Our preferred way is helm
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@Nicholas LoFaso I will suggest you to try our latest helm release, In v0.18.2 we made some helm changes, You can check our release notes https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/releases/tag/v0.18.2
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helm repo add flyteorg <https://flyteorg.github.io/flyte> 
helm repo update
helm template --name-template=flyte-dev -n flyteorg/flyte-core -f values-dev-gke.yaml > flyte_generated_dev.yaml
Please use values file that is provided by flyteorg https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/blob/master/charts/flyte-core/values-gcp.yaml We also have GCP docs for manual deployment https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/gcp/manual.html#deployment-gcp-manual, Please follow the instruction.
Hi @Yuvraj thanks for the list of commands and documentation. I will compare with what I’m doing. Do the helm commands run from
for GCP use
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