I tried to follow the auth tutorials (<https://doc...
# ask-the-community
I tried to follow the auth tutorials (https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/cluster_config/auth_setup.html), but seems it does work when try to use corresponding configuration from gitlab. To be honest, I am not quite clear about the implementation here, is there any extra efforts we should do?
Hi @Xuan Hu and welcome to the Flyte community. Unfortunately there isn't a tutorial for GitLab OIDC config on our docs, but in general and regardless of the Identity Provider you plan to use, what Flyte consumes is the
generated by your IdP
Is this for a sandbox deployment?
I find this in the Gitlab docs that could be what you need to configure: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/oauth_provider.html#create-a-user-owned-application
Hi @David Espejo (he/him), thanks for your reply. I struggled with the config for several days and finally make it after asking on slack. It turns out I made a mistake on the base url for the auth part. And then flyte admin will complain about
. It should only contains the hostname, but I included the relative path. It seems to work now and I really appreciate your attention.
If needed, I can try to write some documentation for it.
Of course! Thanks for offering to contribute. Really appreciate it! Would you mind creating a docs PR?
The login seems to work now but I am stuck by workflow authentication. The error log for flyte admin:
Copy code
{"json":{"exec_id":"adzbtfj97xn4fkmnh2n4"},"level":"warning","msg":"Failed to fetch override values when assigning task resource default values for [resource_type:WORKFLOW project:\"flytesnacks\" domain:\"development\" name:\"flyte.workflows.example.my_wf\" version:\"auth\" ]: Resource [{Project:flytesnacks Domain:development Workflow:flyte.workflows.example.my_wf LaunchPlan: ResourceType:TASK_RESOURCE}] not found","ts":"2023-01-18T09:23:45Z"}
{"json":{"exec_id":"adzbtfj97xn4fkmnh2n4"},"level":"warning","msg":"Failed to fetch override values when assigning execution queue for [{ResourceType:WORKFLOW Project:flytesnacks Domain:development Name:flyte.workflows.example.my_wf Version:auth XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral:{} XXX_unrecognized:[] XXX_sizecache:0}] with err: Resource [{Project:flytesnacks Domain:development Workflow:flyte.workflows.example.my_wf LaunchPlan: ResourceType:EXECUTION_QUEUE}] not found","ts":"2023-01-18T09:23:45Z"}
{"json":{"exec_id":"adzbtfj97xn4fkmnh2n4"},"level":"warning","msg":"Setting security context from auth Role","ts":"2023-01-18T09:23:45Z"}
The error log for flyte propeller:
Copy code
{"json":{"exec_id":"adzbtfj97xn4fkmnh2n4","ns":"flyte","res_ver":"53308865","routine":"worker-1","wf":"flytesnacks:development:flyte.workflows.example.my_wf"},"level":"warning","msg":"Event recording failed. Error [EventSinkError: Error sending event, caused by [rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = token parse error [JWT_VERIFICATION_FAILED] Could not retrieve id token from metadata, caused by: rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = Request unauthenticated with IDToken]]","ts":"2023-01-18T09:40:54Z"}
{"json":{"exec_id":"adzbtfj97xn4fkmnh2n4","ns":"flyte","res_ver":"53308865","routine":"worker-1","wf":"flytesnacks:development:flyte.workflows.example.my_wf"},"level":"error","msg":"Error when trying to reconcile workflow. Error [[]]. Error Type[*errors.WorkflowErrorWithCause]","ts":"2023-01-18T09:40:54Z"}
E0118 09:40:54.267779       1 workers.go:102] error syncing 'flyte/adzbtfj97xn4fkmnh2n4': Workflow[] failed. ErrorRecordingError: failed to publish event, caused by: EventSinkError: Error sending event, caused by [rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = token parse error [JWT_VERIFICATION_FAILED] Could not retrieve id token from metadata, caused by: rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = Request unauthenticated with IDToken]
I mostly followed the auth setup doc for flyte as mentioned above. Both OIDC and Oauth2 related configs are applied. To be hoest, I am not so familiar with auth related stuffs. Any clues to debug the problem?
Can you redeploy flytepropeller?