Any guidance would be appreciated - thanks!
# ask-the-community
Any guidance would be appreciated - thanks!
@seunggs, you’re sending a string but the type is set to integer. How about you remove quotes and try again?
Ohhh - ok I’ll try that. Thank you!
@Samhita Alla I don’t think this is the issue - I tried integer value instead and it still fails with the same error.
FYI, after many tries and combinations, this worked:
Copy code
  "literals": {
    "_wf_args": {
      "scalar": {
        "generic": {
          "fields": {
            "n_samples": 1000,
            "n_features": 20,
            "n_informative": 15,
            "n_classes": 2,
            "test_size": 0.2,
            "n_estimator": 100
But it still looks a bit different from what flyte ui seems to be doing
In the inputs, flyte ui execution shows:
Copy code
  "hp": {
    "n_samples": 1000,
    "n_features": 20,
    "n_informative": 15,
    "n_classes": 2,
    "test_size": 0.2,
    "n_estimator": 100
Whereas execution run via rest api shows:
Copy code
  "hp": {
    "fields": {
      "n_samples": 1000,
      "n_features": 20,
      "n_informative": 15,
      "n_classes": 2,
      "test_size": 0.2,
      "n_estimator": 100
Not sure if it matters or how to fix it
@Yee, would you be able to answer why there’s a mismatch between the two formats?
hey sorry what’s the issue again?
trying to figure out input form values for the UI?
I’m just trying to trigger the workflow execution from the rest api and the input values I see in Flyte ui are different. I’m wondering what’s causing the disparity
Maybe I’m not supposed to use “generic” field for creating inputs (my workflow arguments are of dataclass type)
what’s the signature of the workflow?
It’s a single dataclass
with a bunch of integers and floats inside
So I’m using this to send in as the value for
argument in POST
Copy code
  "literals": {
    "_wf_args": {
      "scalar": {
        "generic": {
          "fields": {
            "n_samples": 1000,
            "n_features": 20,
            "n_informative": 15,
            "n_classes": 2,
            "test_size": 0.2,
            "n_estimator": 100
from the python side we just send a json string, and flytekit converts it to a dataclass instance and sends it via grpc.
so for for example, you’d call
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pyflyte run --remote core/ printer_wf --dc_example '{"max_depth": 5, "learning_rate": 0.25, "objective": "hello world"}'
Yes so I’m using rest version of the api and triggering it from js with the inputs I showed above and just wondering why flyte ui shows different “inputs”
When I use generics.fields in rest api, it seems to wrap the dataclass inner variables with “field” property - not a big deal I guess since it doesn’t seem to affect functionality but just wondering if I’m sending the inputs wrong. that’s all
i would try json string if that doesn’t work.
my copy as curl from the chrome debugger is producing
Copy code
--data-raw $'\n\u000bflytesnacks\u0012\u000bdevelopment"Ä\u0001\nN\u0008\u0003\u0012\u000bflytesnacks\u001a\u000bdevelopment"\u0016core.dcjson.printer_wf*\u0018eZyobAxEL4vMbBg3amVaTw==\u0012[\nY\n\ndc_example\u0012K\nI:G\n\u0011\n\u0009objective\u0012\u0004\u001a\u0002hi\n\u001a\n\rlearning_rate\u0012\u0009\u0011o\u0012\u0083ÀÊ\u0021\u0009@\n\u0016\n\u0009max_depth\u0012\u0009\u0011\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000E@\u001a\u000e\u0012\u000cflyteconsole:\u0000B\u0000\u0090\u0001\u0000'
which doesn’t help
OK let me try that - thanks!