Hello! I'd like to set up Flyte on Coreweave. Is t...
# flyte-deployment
Hello! I'd like to set up Flyte on Coreweave. Is there documentation available for setting up Flyte on non-AWS, non-GCP k8s clusters?
Some folks use it on azure. And some folks working on - on prem
Basically 3 requirements are important • k8s • sql store - postgres (metadata) • blob store- s3/gcs/minio etc. ideally if you don’t want to do more work then should be supported by https://github.com/graymeta/stow / fsspec
Thanks! Any pointers to documentation which shows how to interface flyte with these in a general setting?
Hmm you mean s3 etc, the default Configs should help for the Cloud providers
@Alex Beatson we deploy Flyte on EKS today, but our deployment is relatively unopinionated about the AWS pieces (short of direct references to S3). If you deploy in-cluster postgres it should be pretty straightforward to use with the helm chart