Hi - this is Soumen. I'm exploring MLOps tools for...
# introductions
Hi - this is Soumen. I'm exploring MLOps tools for our small data science team. As of now we have kubeflow installed but we don't use it that often (except 1 specific project).
Welcome, @Soumen Ghosh! You may find this blog post helpful: https://www.union.ai/blog-post/production-grade-ml-pipelines-flyte-vs-kubeflow.
Hi @Soumen Ghosh Welcome!
@Soumen Ghosh have you been able to make progress
Hi Ketan - Unfortunately, no due to b/w limitations. Beyond just the pipeline and experiment tracking, I was also looking for comparing run/experiments, model registry (staging, comparing model metrics, parameters etc., tracking other associated artifacts with a model etc.), deployment as service (for internal testing and collaborations) - I could not manage to find b/w to read how flyte addresses all of these.
Hopefully we will Have more on this soon. Keep a lookout