Hello! Maybe this is a known thing, but does the F...
# ask-the-community
Hello! Maybe this is a known thing, but does the Flyte UI not support inputs of
where the
is complex? Or maybe I’m just specifying my input incorrectly: I specifically have a workflow with an input
that is passing that input to task that takes a
. When I try to run this workflow through the Flyte UI, passing an input like
and the workflow starts running, the UI shows that this was my input:
Copy code
  "test_list": [
So as you can imagine, the workflow then fails to run:
Copy code

    Cannot convert from scalar {
  none_type {
 to <class 'flytekit.types.file.file.FlyteFile'>

SYSTEM ERROR! Contact platform administrators.
(More details in thread)
I gave this a test in the sandbox to make sure the same thing happened there too, I just modified the
one slightly:
Copy code
def say_hello(test_list: List[FlyteFile]) -> str:
    return "hello world

def my_wf(test_list: List[FlyteFile]) -> str:
    res = say_hello(test_list=test_list)
    return res
And then registered:
Copy code
pyflyte -c ~/.flyte/config-sandbox.yaml register --version ref2 core/flyte_basics/hello_world.py
And this was my result
UI might not support that, FlyteFile has a specific input format i think. You can submit it from FlyteRemote right
Ah gotcha, that makes sense. Yeah I can give that a test, I have a workflow calling this one as a subworkflow that I tested with too, and it was able to run successfully, so it definitely seems like a UI thing from that
Could you try to pass below value as input on the Flyte Console
Copy code
  "dimensionality": 0,
  "uri": "<s3://bucket/test_file.txt>"
"dimensionality": 0
means it’s a blob file
Nice!! That worked!
ohh that is awesome, thanks for the format 😄 i assume
is for FlyteDirectory
yup. you’re right
@Kevin Su do we have this documented somewhere? Specifically the input strings for different types in the UI? I think it could be very useful.
We don’t have doc now, but we should add it. However, you could see the correct format on the console when you specify default input for the workflow. After you register a workflow that has default input, you’ll see the default format on the UI when launching the workflow.