Hello, I have a super basic question! I’d like to ...
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Hello, I have a super basic question! I’d like to run a local flyte cluster to test with, which I thought I would do by running
flyte start --config=flyte_local_k3d.yaml
, (after having run
make compile
already) for example when using k3d. Even though my
config file works with k3d directly, when I try to run the above command I always get an error:
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{"json":{"src":"start.go:113"},"level":"error","msg":"Failed to create controller manager. error building Kubernetes Clientset: Error building kubeconfig: error loading config file \"/Users/ailinyu/.k3d/kubeconfig-flyte.yaml\": no kind \"Simple\" is registered for version \"<http://k3d.io/v1alpha3\|k3d.io/v1alpha3\>" in scheme \"pkg/runtime/scheme.go:100\"","ts":"2022-07-25T17:17:20-07:00"} {"json":{"src":"start.go:164"},"level":"panic","msg":"Failed to start Propeller, err: error building Kubernetes Clientset: Error building kubeconfig: error loading config file \"/Users/ailinyu/.k3d/kubeconfig-flyte.yaml\": no kind \"Simple\" is registered for version \"<http://k3d.io/v1alpha3\|k3d.io/v1alpha3\>" in scheme \"pkg/runtime/scheme.go:100\"","ts":"2022-07-25T17:17:20-07:00"}
Am I using this incorrectly or do I need to have something else in my k3d yaml config perhaps?
What version of k3d are you running? My local-dev setup used 5.4.1. I also should have pointed you towards this great script that @Nick Müller (MorpheusXAUT) added to the repo to setup a local dev environment. I would look through it first, just to make sure you understand the steps. Sorry, should have started you there earlier.
This was super helpful, thank you! The setup script actually got things working for me, as far as I can tell, and it’s working with k3d v5.4.4
So I basically got to the point where I have the cluster up and running, and I’m able to connect to flyteadmin with flytectl. I’ve registered a task to test with, and decided to just use the default flytesnacks project just for the convenience of it already being there, but that didn’t seem to quite go my way:
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flytectl create execution --execFile execution_spec.yaml -p flytesnacks -d development --targetProject flytesnacks
{"json":{},"level":"info","msg":"Initialized Admin client","ts":"2022-07-26T16:25:14-07:00"}
Error: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to create workflow in propeller namespaces "flytesnacks-development" not found
{"json":{},"level":"error","msg":"rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to create workflow in propeller namespaces \"flytesnacks-development\" not found","ts":"2022-07-26T16:25:15-07:00"}
Which I thought was interesting since I was able to successfully fast register to that project/domain in order to get to this point. I’m not too sure what to try next other than registering my own projects and seeing if things work the way I’m expecting when I go that route!
It looks like the k8s namespace doesn't exist. Can you try to create it with the file `namespace.yaml`:
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apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: flytesnacks-development
then you can do something like
kubectl create -f namespace.yaml
to create it.
👍 1