Hi Flyers, Flyte Monthly - Issue #6 is out! Read a...
# announcements
Hi Flyers, Flyte Monthly - Issue #6 is out! Read about partner success stories and positive testimonials! Get a sneak-peek into upcoming community sync events, guest speakers, and meetups. Learn about our latest release and how we manage our workflows. Subscribe here for the full scoop: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/flyte
Is there a way to see this without registering?
Also I get this when I click the linkedin link on the revue splash page.
the other social icons all work as expected.
Thank you for your inquiry @Mike Ossareh Our newsletter is not connected to a LinkedIn account at this point. We do have a Flyte LinkedIn discussion page. I can send you the link to a previous issue: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/flyte/issues/flyte-monthly-issue-4-940359
This link is great, thanks @Sandra Youssef
No problem @Mike Ossareh!