Hey guys, I hope everyone is well and safe. I hav...
# flyte-deployment
Hey guys, I hope everyone is well and safe. I have been facing some issues using console. first one, when I go to the console, I receive some errors like the image second error is:
GET <https://flyte.sidetrek.com/me> 501 (Not Implemented)
. This shows on browser console as well. If I try to
, I receive the following:
Copy code
HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented
content-type: application/json
date: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 08:50:07 GMT
content-length: 131
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 0
server: envoy

{"error":"unknown service flyteidl.service.IdentityService","code":12,"message":"unknown service flyteidl.service.IdentityService"}%
the final one is: if I go to
, it returns
Not Found
on the page. any help on this?
this sounds like a version mismatch… can you check the versions of what you’re using? can you click this?
top right corner
message has been deleted
Using v1.0.1 helm chart
that console version is really old
i’m on 1.1.1 of the UI internally and 1.1.25 of admin.
1.1.x is not technically released yet, but you should be on 1.0.x at least i feel like
@Jason Porter do you know this?
i remember there was a 0.54 floating around for some reason but I thought we got rid of it
Agreed its probably a version mismatch; latest release for UI is 1.1.1
is there a chance you could try the 1.0.2 version of the helm chart?
Will do. Tks guys
yeah sorry for the confusion @Vinicius Esperança - we’re going to start aligning all the release numbers this coming release (next couple weeks)
so that across all the components, they’ll all have the same major.minor, but will have different patch versions
👍 1
hey guys. so, I am still facing same problems as mentioned here, even though now I have updated console version
which version of admin are you on now?
that error message is quite strange
having a missing service is pretty specific. can you take a look at the admin logs as well? are you able to do that?
just the logs from the admin pod, kubectl logs should be sufficient.
there is not log in there
i mean, no error log at least
I am supposing, for some reason, my ingress cannot reach IdentityService
but /login just gives me
not found
, which is really strange
sorry - i think this might be because auth is just turned off.
which might make it so that the identity service shows up as missing. or are you saying you’ve configured auth to be on?
I didn't I guess. Just used default charts config
Will take a look how to turn it on
oh no
it’s okay, don’t feel the need to turn it on.
it’s complicated to turn on, you’ll need to integrate with your existing IdP etc.
i was just saying that it might be a red herring.
as in, i don’t think the /me and /login errors have anything to do with the project_domain_attribute errors
in any case, let’s do a screenshare tomorrow
i think it’ll be easier to debug the real issue over vc
okay, thank you @Yee for all your help! one more question: is there a documentation regarding this
you'll need to integrate with your existing IdP etc.
there is
is this something you’re interested in?
I am learning flyte, so any information would be welcome
the second item honestly we should delete, that was for older versions of flyte