I'm still working on figuring out how to deploy Fl...
# ask-the-community
I'm still working on figuring out how to deploy Flyte into our company's k8s infrastructure. I noticed this in the docs https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/tree/v1.0.0/kustomize/overlays/eks#how-to-build-your-overlay -- anyone here have experience doing this? I'm having to install Flyte using kustomize into a shared services cluster and trying to figure out the smartest way to do this (pretty new to kustomize!)
hi @Katrina P (cool to see another Katrina here 😄) can I ask, is there any specific reason you're using kustomize instead of the helm charts to deploy? I don't believe the kustomize charts are maintained at this point
hey @Katrina P we haven’t used kustomize as the primary build for a while. do you think you could use the helm charts instead?
Ah, that's really good to know. Our dev ops team told us its preferred (we're using Spinnaker to deploy apps into our k8s clusters), otherwise I have to learn how to extract the raw manifest files from the helm charts; although it seems like that might be possible, I saw a generate helm bash script somewhere
I'd love to just use the helm install myself, but I don't believe I have access to do that on the shared k8s cluster
If you have any advice on a good path forward, I'd really appreciate it, but I'll definitely chat with the dev ops team again on Monday and let them know the helm deployment is the tried and true way to do this
hey yeah, helm is definitely the tried and true way.
at the time that we implemented kustomize, helm was not where it was today - it was at least one major version earlier, maybe two.
but at this point it’s definitely our preferred method.
you should be able to run both still. kustomize will probably take a bit more work.
I'm not super familiar with helm but is there an easy way to grab the raw manifest files using the chart?
but honestly yeah i think the best way forward is to use helm, run the script, and then raw kubectl apply it
make helm in our repo should do it, that just calls the script you found, which calls the helm template command.
thanks! I'll do that.