what’s the difference between boilerplate --> ...
# announcements
what’s the difference between boilerplate --> https://github.com/flyteorg/boilerplate and https://github.com/flyteorg/datacatalog/tree/master/boilerplate … would have expected https://github.com/flyteorg/boilerplate to be the place where boilerplate gets updated, and the other places to be propagated from there. the datacatalog location appears to have more recent updates, so perhaps my assumption/understanding is incorrect?
I guess you're talking about the "latest commit" timestamp of some of the files in https://github.com/flyteorg/datacatalog/tree/master/boilerplate being more recent than the ones from https://github.com/flyteorg/boilerplate/tree/master/boilerplate? your assumption seems correct to me - the boilerplate repo contains a collection of scripts + workflows shared by other repositories which is then cloned and replicated into each repo
so the boilerplate repo was last updated 2022-04-12, but the changes only made it to the datacatalog repo two days ago in this PR: https://github.com/flyteorg/datacatalog/pull/74
Ah, so more recent due to delay in propagation... I'll take q look when back at computer
since each repo using the boilerplate basically contains a copy of the original files, commit dates will be different, depending on when the "local" version inside the repo was "updated"
Also makes me wonder whether better as a submodule https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules
now that's not something I can answer 😄 but I believe the current setup is a bit more flexible since it allows for only certain "modules" of the boilerplate repo to be copied (instead of having to always clone the whole repo with all the fun that comes with submodules)
hey @austin just to confirm the flyteorg/boilerplate repo contains the canonical set of GH workflows that get propagated to the flyte component repos. unfortunately the automation for that is currently broken for flyteadmin & datacatalog (this will be fixed soon) but there is a manual target in each repo to update the boilerplate as well
That makes sense, and is also a function of me only superficially exploring (rather than actually looking at gh workflows, etc)