Hello! I'm starting with flyte, I'm trying to unde...
# ask-the-community
Hello! I'm starting with flyte, I'm trying to understand how flyte isolates resources, especially how to define the domains and their resourceQuotas, can I change it on the fly? For now, I believe this is defined in the helm values and cannot be changed without changing the helm, is this true? or is there another way?
cc @katrina
hey @caioau you can absolutely change them on the fly and flyte was built with first-class support for just this use-case. The values defined in helm are the defaults that get applied to every project, but you can set-per project overrides by following the instructions here: https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/cluster_config/general.html#cluster-resources
if you're interested in changing these default values across all projects we don't have a programmatic api for that just yet, so you will need to update your config and roll your deployment
thanks very much @katrina!