here are the logs for same
# ask-the-community
here are the logs for same
@Yash Panchwatkar, can you share the guide you’re following and the step you’re stuck at?
cc: @Shivay Lamba
Copy code
AccessDenied: Not authorized to perform sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity\n\tstatus code: 403, request id: c7a51888-b792-47b2-a6be-668c14e4b0d9","ts":"2022-10-15T08:43:49Z"
i.g here its says the s3 is not allowing to web identity.
here is the policy for the same
message has been deleted
i have also given s3 full access permission to iam-role-flyte and flyte-user-role
please once someone check there aws eks setup what is there trust relationship or entities over here.. and where i am getting wrong.>?
here are the log events for same...