I wrote the following TypeTransformer for Light GB...
# ask-the-community
I wrote the following TypeTransformer for Light GBM Dataset and am seeing it default to pickle on registering the tasks and workflow that use a Light GBM Dataset. Would any be able to help point me in the right direction to troubleshoot this?
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class LGBMDatasetTransformer(extend.TypeTransformer[lgb.Dataset]):
    _TYPE_INFO = flytekit.BlobType(
        format="binary", dimensionality=flytekit.BlobType.BlobDimensionality.MULTIPART

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super(LGBMDatasetTransformer, self).__init__(name="lgbdataset-transform", t=lgb.Dataset)

    def get_literal_type(self, t: Type[lgb.Dataset]) -> flytekit.LiteralType:
        return flytekit.LiteralType(blob=self._TYPE_INFO)

    def to_literal(
        ctx: flytekit.FlyteContext,
        python_val: lgb.Dataset,
        python_type: Type[lgb.Dataset],
        expected: flytekit.LiteralType,
    ) -> flytekit.Literal:
        Convert from the given python type object ``lgb.Dataset`` to the Literal representation.
        # Step 1: Upload all the data into a remote place recommended by Flyte

        local_file = ctx.file_access.get_random_local_path() + ".data"
        lgb.Dataset.save_binary(python_val, local_file)

        remote_dir = ctx.file_access.get_random_remote_directory()
        ctx.file_access.upload_directory(local_file, remote_dir)
        # Step 2: Return a pointer to this remote_dir in the form of a Literal
        return flytekit.Literal(
                    uri=remote_dir, metadata=flytekit.BlobMetadata(type=self._TYPE_INFO)

    def to_python_value(
        ctx: flytekit.FlyteContext,
        lv: flytekit.Literal,
        expected_python_type: Type[lgb.Dataset],
    ) -> lgb.Dataset:
        In this method, we want to be able to re-hydrate the custom object from Flyte Literal value.
        # Step 1: Download remote data locally
        local_dir = ctx.file_access.get_random_local_directory()
        ctx.file_access.download_directory(lv.scalar.blob.uri, local_dir)
        # Step 2: Create the ``lgb.Dataset`` object
        return lgb.Dataset.construct(lgb.Dataset(local_dir))

Does the registration get called
Is this a separate library
So if this is a separate library then you have to use the namespace loading in flytekit
Hey @Ketan (kumare3) this is currently in our source tree (in the same file as some of our tasks), so not a separate library. Do you have any examples of defining a TypeTransformer alongside tasks/workflows that aren't in a separate library?
It should work
The important thing is, the register needs to be invoked
Serialization/registration of the tasks/workflows is succeeding, but we're encountering the following error:
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[3/3] currentAttempt done. Last Error: SYSTEM::Traceback (most recent call last):

      File "/app/thm/flyte/workflows/model_training/lgbm_model_test.image.py.binary.runfiles/prod_flytekit/flytekit/exceptions/scopes.py", line 165, in system_entry_point
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/app/thm/flyte/workflows/model_training/lgbm_model_test.image.py.binary.runfiles/prod_flytekit/flytekit/core/base_task.py", line 473, in dispatch_execute
        native_inputs = TypeEngine.literal_map_to_kwargs(exec_ctx, input_literal_map, self.python_interface.inputs)
      File "/app/thm/flyte/workflows/model_training/lgbm_model_test.image.py.binary.runfiles/prod_flytekit/flytekit/core/type_engine.py", line 798, in literal_map_to_kwargs
        return {k: TypeEngine.to_python_value(ctx, lm.literals[k], python_types[k]) for k, v in lm.literals.items()}
      File "/app/thm/flyte/workflows/model_training/lgbm_model_test.image.py.binary.runfiles/prod_flytekit/flytekit/core/type_engine.py", line 798, in <dictcomp>
        return {k: TypeEngine.to_python_value(ctx, lm.literals[k], python_types[k]) for k, v in lm.literals.items()}
      File "/app/thm/flyte/workflows/model_training/lgbm_model_test.image.py.binary.runfiles/prod_flytekit/flytekit/core/type_engine.py", line 762, in to_python_value
        return transformer.to_python_value(ctx, lv, expected_python_type)
      File "/app/thm/flyte/workflows/model_training/lgbm_model_test.image.py.binary.runfiles/prod_flytekit/flytekit/types/pickle/pickle.py", line 59, in to_python_value
        with open(uri, "rb") as infile:


    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/flyte-ln4wnwph/raw/7ca592ea206ad1fc4fc3c279ac764d95/815803b1b0c20031e2708f676b4bc107'
How can we guarantee that register is properly invoked? (ie. what's the correct place to call
could you try register at the top of the workflow file?
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import flytekit

def wf():
Mind sharing your entire code, I can help debug it.
Hey @Kevin Su we can put together a self-contained repro of the bug and share it with you next week. Appreciate the offer!
great, thank you
Here is my guess, if you are running a task in a different file and the transformer is in a different file it will not work at runtime, as we minimize module load
This is why when transformer is external lib, we force load it at flytekit init
Hmm...would it be better for us to package the type transformers separately and then depend on them in our monorepo?
I think that's the core of the issue here, that given we're developing in a monorepo it's not clear where to initialize the transformer/ensure the module is loaded
You might not have to, you can always import the transformer in you top level init file
Or register it there
Also for namespace packages check out point 7 https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/blob/master/plugins/README.md