Hi, I had setup Flyte Sandbox on EKS by following ...
# ask-the-community
Hi, I had setup Flyte Sandbox on EKS by following these steps https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/sandbox.html#deploy-flyte-sandbox-to-a-cloud-kubernetes-cluster I can access the console UI. But when I run "`pyflyte --config .flyte/config.yaml run --remote example.py wf --n 500 --mean 42 --sigma 2`" I get error like " flytekit.exceptions.user.FlyteAssertion: Failed to put data from /tmp/tmp9l0dj7e1/script_mode.tar.gz to http://localhost:30084/my-s3-bucket --- Original exception: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=30084): Max retries exceeded with url: /my-s3-bucket/bh/flytesnacks/development/OWEO " I have mentioned the details in config.yaml like,
# For GRPC endpoints you might want to use dns:///flyte.myexample.com
endpoint: dns:///a4ad903c61##################.<http://us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com:80|us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com:80>
authType: Pkce
insecure: true
show-source: true
level: 0
access-key: minio
auth-type: accesskey
disable-ssl: true
endpoint: <http://a093eb##############.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com:9001/>
region: us-east-1
secret-key: miniostorage
type: minio
container: "my-s3-bucket"
enable-multicontainer: true
Why it's checking in localhost when I have mentioned the AWS ingress URL?
Not sure why that’s happening. Can you remove the “storage” section in the config file cause that’s no longer required? Also, can you double check the config yaml path?
I also tried without the storage section in config file. I get the same issue. The minio url is different then the dns endpoint. They are in same EKS but have different ingress URL. The yaml path is correct. I had followed all the steps of https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/sandbox.html#deploy-flyte-sandbox-to-a-cloud-kubernetes-cluster
What’s your flytekit version? Do you have the yaml config in the directory you’re running the pyflyte command?
Currently it is Version: 1.2.0b3 Earlier I was trying 1.1.3 yaml is in one of the subdirectory. I am running the command in /home/sanjay and the yaml is in /home/sanjay/.flyte/config.yaml
Can you specify the config path as
in your pyflyte run command?
same issue. Note that I followed, Deploy Flyte Sandbox to a Cloud Kubernetes Cluster and there the minio url is different then the console.
Are you able to trigger workflows directly on the UI?
I am not sure how to upload the workflow in the UI without the pyflyte command.
https://docs.flyte.org/projects/cookbook/en/latest/auto/larger_apps/larger_apps_deploy.html#build-deploy-your-application-to-the-cluster: the pyflyte --pkgs and flytectl register should be used. If you have an image already, you can provide that, or else, you can use
to register flytesnacks/core examples.
Yeah it's showing on the UI. But when I launch I get issue,
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[1/1] currentAttempt done. Last Error: USER::Pod failed. No message received from kubernetes.
[adq4ch5hvxgclkkl6d42-n0-0] terminated with exit code (1). Reason [Error]. Message: 
thon3.8/site-packages/click/core.py", line 1130, in __call__
3, in _find_and_load_unlocked
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flyte'
Not sure what this is. Can you share the workflow code you’re trying to run?
I created the sample workflow with
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pyflyte init my_flyte_project
@Samhita Alla / @Sanjay Chouhan sandbox helm is not designed today to install to eks. It should work but by default it is not. If you want to use pyflyte run then you need to update and remove this https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/blob/3cdf9285c3cdbf6645090980ccac488de02de517/deployment/sandbox/flyte_helm_generated.yaml#L327
But you cannot upload to minio that is used
We are working on a much faster deployment guide - cc @jeev fyi