I’m trying to execute a simple test workflow and g...
# ask-the-community
I’m trying to execute a simple test workflow and getting this error:
Request failed with status code 500 failed to create workflow in propeller namespaces <project-name> not found
. The project already shows up in the flyte console and I was able to package/register the workflow, but I can’t seem to execute it?
Did you create the namespace that matches the project
No, is that required?
So you can’t just run
POST /projects
? You need a matching namespace created?
Then you need the cluster resource manager
Or you need to change the namespaces to be constant
Is this documented somewhere? I thought this was it, but maybe I’m looking at the wrong place: https://docs.flyte.org/projects/cookbook/en/latest/auto/remote_access/register_project.html
The default helm And deployment templates have them Configured
OK I’ll review that thanks - is there anywhere in the docs where the project creation process is detailed?
Cc @katrina
So if you turn off the cluster resource manager, you can’t create a project? Or does it just default to no limits?
@Ketan (kumare3)
currently the default config assumes it is enabled
but it is possible to turn it off and just use one namespace
will get back to you with those docs tomorrow
OK great thank you
Hopefully it explains how cluster resource manager, project and namespaces are related because I’m still a bit confused about how all three is related
And it looks like it can be updated after the cluster is created (via
flytectl update cluster-resource-attribute
) but would like to confirm that as well
yes it can be
as long as you use cluster resource manager
OK that’s great
and thank you for the patience
as you probably have imagined
documenting flyte is like documenting k8s
would appreciate help 😄
Yes I get it
Once I get a better grip of this, would love to contribute at some point!
Thanks for your help with this
it may happen that some doc may not be present, but we will definitely try to add some context
That’d be great - thanks
hey @seunggs here's some documentation on what the cluster resource controller does: https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/cluster_config/general.html#cluster-resources including managing per-<project>-<domain> namespaces, these are the templates that currently get applied: https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/blob/1e3d515550cb338c2edb3919d79c6fa1f0da5a19/charts/flyte-core/values.yaml#L737,L760
if you want just one namespace or per-domain namespaces for your project, you can change the namespace mapping template in the flyteadmin config: https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/cluster_config/scheduler_config.html#section-namespace-mapping
this latter option is useful if you don't have the cluster resource controller running and want to manually configure a pre-defined set of namespaces, like Ketan mentioned
OK thanks - are there any examples I can look at? Also, is it possible to use a single namespace for the project? If so, how can I configure that?
is it possible to use a single namespace for the project
yup, the default config has
'{{ project }}-{{ domain }}'
but you can always set it to
'{{ project }}'
And where are these values placed? In helm values?
Can I see any examples?
Copy code
    template: "{{ project }}"
Thanks - so to summarize then, to create a Flyte project with this setup, I can simply add this to values.yaml for helm and redeploy, create a project either via cli or rest api, and then create a namespace that matches the project name - with the cluster resource manager disabled?
yup, if you're okay manually maintaining the per-project namespaces that should work
Wait - there’s an automatic way to do it?
that's what cluster resource controller does 🙂
it automatically provisions per-project namespaces with things like resource quota using the templates i shared earlier
this way you can dynamically add new projects using the cli without any additional set-up on your side
ohhh I see now
So in the templates you shared, aa_namespace is the rule for creating name space and ab_project_resource_quota is the rule for creating resource quota and they’re create dynamically based on project creation?
Does this apply to using rest api as well or only cli?
both, the cluster resource controller reads from the db where the projects ultimately reside
OK got it - I’ll try this. Thank you!
@katrina I was redeploying helm chart and it keeps failing - this is the error message:
<https://2A6739B7813451087E3258C60BC37CF4.yl4.us-west-1.eks.amazonaws.com/api/v1/namespaces/flyte/services/flyte-release-kubernetes-dashboard>": context deadline exceeded
Any idea what is causing this? I was able to deploy fine before (although I did add cluster resource manager to values now but it doesn’t seem related? Also, the cluster resource manager seems to be working - it created namespaces for my project)
It seems it's failing to deploy k8s dashboard
Hmm I think it might be something else since it gives me different errors every time I try. This time I got this:
failed to become available within allocated timeout. Error: Helm Release flyte/flyte-release: client rate limiter Wait returned an error: rate: Wait(n=1) would exceed context deadline
OK so it was the cluster resource manager setting - I must have gotten something wrong there because disabling deploys fine. Will report back after trying a couple things
So I figured out what the issue is: making the cluster_resource_manager quotas really high makes helm release fails. I used the number in here: https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/cluster_config/general.html which is 1,000 cpus and 5TB of memory. Is there a limit to the quota we can set?
At many companies we have set high numbers
It should not affect
Maybe typo
Yeah it must have been - just tried with 1000 cpus and 5Ti in memory and it worked - thanks!
Hi, I have troubled with the same issue of @seunggs, but the
project - domain
mapping cannot be solved. Would you give me an advice? (flyte.yaml file is values.yaml below)
I think this format has been changed into this.
Copy code
    template: "{{ project }}"
does not mapping project into one domain.
the namespace mapping is only used for the kubernetes namespace used to launch flyte workflow execution pods
the console will still show separate domains - if you want just one domain you can modify the flyteadmin config
note that domains are a required construct in flyte deployments - but you can always just one global domain