hello, flyte team. I have a question about workfl...
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hello, flyte team. I have a question about workflow register process. I am currently automating ML process through flyte with github CI, and I have problem, launchplan deactivation. The workflow successfully registered in flyte, but it does not show DAG and users cannot start "launch" in console. where do I check log? I hope to get some advice. thanks
Hi, @SeungTaeKim! Can you try hitting
That is the problem because I cannot see any execution ID from the workflow (it is registered, but never executed now)
Sorry, use version, not execution ID. ^ Modified the URL.
oh, I try right away
It returns
not found
the same message
I think the version somehow doesn’t exist.
😣 1
cc: @Prafulla Mahindrakar, any idea how to debug this?
Hi @SeungTaeKim what command did you use to register your workflows . And also can you use flytectl to get the workflow and see if they are archived. Archived workflows cannot be launched and hence might be showing as disabled .
Also i find it strange that you have a slash in your workflow version . Can you try one registering a version without slash
some of workflow I executed before is working well,,, I think it is other problem.
Can you try this command on your workflow
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flytectl update workflow-meta -p flytesnacks -d development flyte_project_template.mlflow_flyte_test.mlflow_wf --activate
If this doesn’t work , then i would suggest trying to create an execution from flytectl and see if that works. https://docs.flyte.org/projects/flytectl/en/latest/gen/flytectl_create_execution.html Want to see if its UI / workflow issue
It has returned
unknown flag
. Are you talking to the commands like
sorry workflow-meta
got it, hang on a second
I think the registration process have wrong process because CLI also returns
not found
, the same error of console ui
what command did you use to register and are you using the right project/domain
my team use github action CI with the codes below.
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- name: Create project
        run: |
          flytectl create project --name ${{ env.FLYTE_PROJECT }} --id ${{ env.FLYTE_PROJECT }} || true
           if [ !-z "${{ env.FLYTE_DESCRIPTION }}" ]; then
            flytectl update project -p ${{ env.FLYTE_PROJECT }} --description ${{ env.FLYTE_DESCRIPTION }}

      - name: Archive launchplans
        run: |
          (flytectl get launchplan -p {{ $env.FLYTE_PROJECT }} -d {{ $env.FLYTE_DOMAIN }} -o json || echo "") | jq -rc 'if type=="array" then map(.id)[] else .id end' | while read id; do
              name=$(echo $id | jq -r .name)
              version=$(echo $id | jq -r .version)

              flytectl update launchplan $name -p ${{ env.FLYTE_PROJECT }} -d ${{ env.FLYTE_DOMAIN }} --version $version --archive

      - name: Serialize project
        run: |
          mkdir _pb_output
          echo pyflyte --pkgs ${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }} serialize --local-source-root . --image ${{ env.IMAGE_TAG }} workflows -f _pb_output/
          pyflyte --pkgs ${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }} serialize --local-source-root . --image ${{ env.IMAGE_TAG }} workflows -f _pb_output/

      - name: Register serialized project
        run: |
          flytectl register files _pb_output/* -p ${{ env.FLYTE_PROJECT }} -d ${{ env.FLYTE_DOMAIN }} --version ${{ env.VERSION }}

      - name: Activate launchplans
        run: |
          tomlq -rc '.qraft.flyte.active_launch_plans[]' pyproject.toml | while read name; do
             flytectl update launchplan $name -p ${{ env.FLYTE_PROJECT }} -d ${{ env.FLYTE_DOMAIN }} --version ${{ env.VERSION }} --activate
This might be easier , can we hop on a call and check https://meet.google.com/noo-wzwc-aoe
❤️ 1
Oh, I am sorry to say I cannot access the video call now. I am on my office, it's little bit difficult to contact. so thank you to your help 🙂
Ok sure. Np. One thing i wanted to check more here is how the UI is pulling the same workflows in the UI then if cli is throwing those errors . which leads me to check if the parameters of project and domain are right
Can you confirm if this


image you captured was from flytesnacks-development project/domain
I have checked the project name different,
, and CLI returns
successfully updated
. but the the launch plan button is still deactivated
Hmm that’s strange .Would mind creating this execution from cli and will add UI team to check more on this .
👍 1
🙏 1
Great. I try the process I did with CLI and said you the result
@SeungTaeKim, are you seeing the same result with CLI?
@Samhita Alla yeah, troubling with the same one, I am still searching solutions
@SeungTaeKim, can you try by getting the launchplan first and then updating it?
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flytectl get launchplan -p <project> -d <domain> <wf>

flytectl update launchplan -p <project> -d <domain> <name_of_lp> --version <version> --activate
Just wondering if launch plan + version flag would work.
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@SeungTaeKim what was the result of the cli execution .
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As Samhita suggested you should be able to activate the launchplan .by default all registered launchplans are active unless you explicitly deactivate using archive flag. But archived executions can be launched from cli and hence was interested to see the results
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I haven't found the solution yet. The whole result I saw is
Not Found
, so I guess Flyte admin does not found the registration file (The path is registered with CLI, but not file) I think I should check where the filed gone tomorrow
👍 1
I have solved the problem,
Not Found
error I mentioned yesterday. It was the problem of version name, which have not to contain
in version name. as @Samhita Alla mentioned on https://flyte-org.slack.com/archives/CNMKCU6FR/p1660717490719359?thread_ts=1660716204.783219&amp;cid=CNMKCU6FR, I think Flyte call the registered filed through API, so if the version name include slash, it interprets wrong path. I have spend 2 days to solve this. Thank you all
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