Hi, Last month, I participated in the contributor ...
# contribute
Hi, Last month, I participated in the contributor meetup and heard that engineers from Spotify mentioned their interest in supporting the SMTP layer for FlyteAdmin email notifications. I found this GitHub project that might be useful for building a local mail server: Docker Mailserver. Can I create an issue for this? Some of my friend might contirbute
Can I create an issue for this?
go for it
@Rob Ulbrich Is it ok to take over it?
The problem is potential spam classification
Thank you, will add this point to the comment
Hi @L godlike: What do you mean by taking it over? We actually have it on the roadmap in our team and you can expect a contribution within the next 2 months, if that is okay? If you want to work on it straight away, feel free to take it over
Yes, let's ok, I just want to find good issues for my friends
Thank you