Hi! We're considering using the `@vscode` decorato...
# ask-the-community
Hi! We're considering using the
decorator and were confused about this line in the docs:
1. (Recommended) Expose a URL on the Flyte console. Set up ingress on the Flyte backend to expose a URL on the Flyte console. Details are to be determined (TBD).
can you explain what ingress needs to be setup?
ohh setting up ingress is hard here
as this is for arbitrary pods
you will have to support port-forwarding for now
Union has a special way - as we have a special routing proxy in the cluster
I see
can you say more about the routing proxy in the cluster? it is hard for us to port forward pods for our users (doesn't scale well since it's manual and users don't have access to kubectl) so a different solution would be preferred
We have custom implementaiton in union