Hi guys, I redeployed my Flyte cluster (binary) an...
# ask-the-community
Hi guys, I redeployed my Flyte cluster (binary) and suddenly I'm getting the following error:
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Failed to create kubernetes object from config template [002_serviceaccount.yaml] for namespace [flyte-tasks-production] with err: serviceaccounts is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:flyte:flyte-backend-flyte-binary" cannot create resource "serviceaccounts" in API group "" in the namespace "flyte-tasks-production",
(I redacted a little) I 99% sure I didn't change anything (except for logging level). I'm not sure why "API group" is empty (or whether it should be) and also not how to debug further. Ideas? thanks!
I had a similar issue when deploying flyte binary. In the end I solved it by adding the following https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/blob/8380f842b84d5b99f4a503edfca5a65b26ed591a/charts/flyte-binary/gke-starter.yaml#L133-L146
@Cornelis Boon That did the trick!! You also had a deployment working for you, and suddenly this was needed?
No, I had this from the start unfortunately. Did your version of flyte-binary change? Or the environment (like the k8s version)
I don't think we change the Flyte version (the yaml wasn't versioned from day-1 so who knows). K8s version - interesting. I will ask our devops person
Sure. When is the last time you installed flyte/deployed the cluster?
No clue why the k8s version would have impact on this tho
@Guy Arad that's strange. There have been some recent changes in the charts but nothing related to the
section in the base values file
@Cornelis Boon not really sure... unfortunately things aren't organized yet 🙂 @David Espejo (he/him) and also, I believe I'm using the same chart. That is pretty odd