Good morning. I wish to run a task that utilizes P...
# ask-the-community
Good morning. I wish to run a task that utilizes PyTorch, and it will run in a different image than the one that runs the workflow. Do I need to have PyTorch installed in the main image to do so? As I'm currently doing, I need it in both because the main image doesn't recognize PyTorch's import. This is the code I have: from flytekit import task, workflow import torch @task(container_image='') # The container image is omitted def pytorch_test(): # Initialize a tensor x = torch.rand(5, 3) print("Original tensor:", x) # Perform a basic operation (addition) y = x + 5 print("After addition:", y) # Return the modified tensor return y @workflow def pytorch_test_workflow(): result = pytorch_test() return result if name == "__main__": print(pytorch_test_workflow()) How do I run PyTorch and other libraries that the main image doesn't have?
for sure if you want to run remote you have to build image has torch
Thank you for the quick answer. By creating a custom image I can run the imports only when I ask for that specific image?
Copy code
import torch
from flytekit import task, workflow

@task # The container image is omitted
def pytorch_test() -> torch.Tensor:
    # Initialize a tensor
    x = torch.rand(5, 3)
    print("Original tensor:", x)

    # Perform a basic operation (addition)
    y = x + 5
    print("After addition:", y)

    # Return the modified tensor
    return y

def pytorch_test_workflow() -> torch.Tensor:
    result = pytorch_test()
    return result

#if __name__ == "__main__":
#   print(pytorch_test_workflow())
pyflyte run {your_wf_file_name}.py pytorch_test_workflow
Here is script check to run in locally first
Then try to use above custom_image in flyte docs.
@Filipe Fonseca yes, because that is the enviroment in k8s pod, and your workflow code run in that enviroment.
Thank you for the help, I'll try it out now
Is creating a new container image in advance, one that includes all the required libraries for processing the workflow remotely the only way? Or is there an alternative approach? It's challenging to anticipate all the libraries users might need.
@Filipe Fonseca hmm you cannot run all task with 1 image
For example 1 training task must using torch 1.0 and 1 training task must run torch 2.0 obviously, this must have 2 different image.
In flyte concept, each task is run on seprate pod => different enviroment.
Can you read about Flyte ImageSpec
Yes I'll read it, thank you for explaining
One more way is to delay torch import to inside your function
Flyte has to load your module to invoke the function
Another option is to split a task across multiple modules